Page 55 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(2) (2018)
P. 55
ia universitatisWriting for Critical Thinking)3, the worksheets should motivate the visitors to examine the ob-
ar e wor ksheets death? wor ds in museum education 55 can follow up the three-stage learning cycle E jects and think about the contexts, not only to
– R – R (evocation–realization of meaning–re- merely record the information, e.g. the require-
flection), i.e. the initial task is making familiar ment for a detailed description of an item will
with the topic, searches for previous knowledge ensure its thorough examination, just as the re-
of the topic. The following tasks and activities, quirement to make a drawing. Putting into con-
just as the information recorded, already ad- text, following up the development and record-
dress the “core” of the problem and the last com- ing own ideas leads to a deeper consciousness
ponent should subsequently summarise and re- of the importance of an object and to possible
flect on the problem. Following up the didactic self-reflection or change of attitudes.
procedures during creation of worksheets helps
to keep them balanced and well-understandable. Questions to contemplate
It helps to maintain the “storyline” of the work- Does each of the activities chosen support the
sheets in relation to selected goals and is here- worksheet goals? Which particular knowledge
with a certain guarantee of effectiveness of these or skill will the visitors acquire? Are the tasks
materials. and activities targeted at substantial and most
important knowledge and skills? Do the activ-
Questions to contemplate ities attract the attention of visitors to the ex-
Do the tasks follow up each other in a logical hibits and their examination? Do the activities
way? Do they enhance the knowledge of the top- employ various skills, are the tasks not monothe-
ic gradually? Are the worksheets well structured? matic, focused on only a single type of activity?
Do they build on the previous knowledge of the
visitors? Do the final activities reflect the most Most frequent weaknesses
important pieces of knowledge and experiences? – Textually too extensive worksheets, which

Change evenly and thoughtfully various types remind of representative materials rather
of activities than of a functional didactic tool. Too
When setting up the particular content of work- extensive material discourages the visitors
sheets from various tasks, puzzles, research re- from working with worksheets.
cords, open questions etc., it is suitable to change
evenly and thoughtfully various types of tasks – Overloading with script, text, pictures or in-
and activities, so that the visitors employ cogni-
tive (rational, intellectual), affective (emotional, formation distracts attention from the tem-
attitudinal) as well as psychomotor (sensual, mo- porary or permanent exhibition and the vi-
tional) skills. That is, so that the visitors explore sitors lose their grip on the topic as well as
and investigate with reason, are aware of their on the worksheet itself. An overabundance
emotions, generate attitudes to the given topic of various markings and a too detailed di-
and try out various practical skills and methods vision or a compact monotonous text are
of work, production or creation, etc. Also im- inappropriate in this regard.
portant are research methods as the basic com-
ponent of museum work. The procedures chosen – Distracting attention from the exhibition to

3 Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking (RWCT) is an worksheets and their texts. Instead of emp-
educational method based on purposeful development of cognitive hasizing the unique possibilities of acqui-
skills in learners. It proceeds from pedagogical constructivism ring knowledge in museums, the attention
and leads the learners to own perception of communicated is often distracted by too many purposeless
information. You can see more on the website https://www.rwctic. exercises.
– Useless information, incomprehensible, vagu-

ely formulated or too extensive instructions to
tasks – the worksheets often contain infor-
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