Page 53 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(2) (2018)
P. 53
ia universitatispedagogical intents, target group of visitors, ed- Questions to contemplate
ar e wor ksheets death? wor ds in museum education 53 ucational programme) will also verify the rele- What is the worksheet intended for? What
vance of using worksheets to interpret the given ex- should the worksheet support/show? What
hibition, that is, whether or not the worksheets I want the visitors to learn, be aware, achieve
are suitable for this particular temporary or per- with the help of the worksheet? Most important
manent exhibition. to me are the following pieces of knowledge,
skills, feelings... Examples of formulated work-
Choose the educational goals sheet goals: the visitors are familiar with... can...
A step which is inevitable for creation of work- know... will compare... will explain... will evalu-
sheets is the choice of goals of this didactic tool ate...
that is the very reason of its use. The goals form
the content of worksheets and at the same time Make a schedule
reflect their functionality. During elaboration If the worksheets are intended to be used with
of worksheets we are working with partial goals, an exhibition, you usually have an idea of the
that is certain knowledge and skills, to which time which you want the visitors spend filling in
the worksheets should lead the visitors. It is not the worksheets. This estimated time to a certain
necessary to set out too many of these goals – extent influences the form, extent and contentu-
two or three are fully sufficient, also legitimate al depth of a worksheet. In individual tasks con-
is only a single goal. Think about what you want sider the length of their solution and potential
to teach the visitors, what you need the visitors risks which might threaten or prolong their solu-
to be aware, to know and to can. Get clear about tion, and think about possible variants of how to
these intended goals in the form of a binding eliminate these risks.
statement, or a written statement, so that you
can anytime return to their explicit formulation. Questions to contemplate
For example, when you need to make sure that How long lasts an ordinary exhibition tour?
a question, activity, task or information in the How long lasts the programme, which will in-
content of worksheets is reasonable, or in retro- clude the worksheets? How much time I want
spective evaluation of their functionality and ef- the visitors spend filling in and working with
fectiveness. Fulfilment and achievement of set the worksheets? How much time the visitors will
out goals represent the most important evalua- spend reading the information or fulfilling par-
tion factor. Formulate the worksheet goals in ac- ticular tasks? Is there any risk connected with
tive declarative sentences of present tense, for ex- this particular task, which might prolong its ful-
ample, the visitors can, know, distinguish, etc. filment? What is it? Am I able to eliminate or
Each of the selected activities, questions and minimize this risk somehow?
pieces of information in worksheets should pur-
sue and support these goals – if not, then it is Decide on the form of worksheets
unnecessary to the worksheets. The worksheet After having considered all the previous aspects
goals should always correspond to the goals and and prior to working out the content of work-
intents of both the exhibition and a possible pro- sheets, it is inevitable to decide on the suitable
gramme, if the work with worksheets is includ- form of worksheets. It should fully comply with
ed. The worksheets should in principle underline conditions and responses, which you as a muse-
the exhibition topic, make it better understand- um pedagogue have stipulated in considerations
able, more vivid and more profound, they should about the previous procedural steps. Choose the
draw attention to unique details or interdiscipli- suitable form of worksheets according to par-
nary relations. ticular temporary or permanent exhibition – its
content and way of presentation, according to
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