Page 54 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(2) (2018)
P. 54
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 6 (2018), številk a 2 54your own pedagogical intents, according to se-the topic which represent a significant compo-
lected group of visitors for whom the worksheets nent of the educational aspect of these materi-
hereditatiare intended, according to the educational pro-als. Thorough selection of objects should thus fo-
gramme, which potentially should include the cus on the most important, simply significant or
worksheets, according to particular goals which most attractive exhibits and show their intercon-
they should fulfil and time which should be nection in a wider context, or, on the contrary,
spent by working with them. examine interesting details. You should always
rather choose fewer exhibits and let the visitors
Questions to contemplate work with them more thoroughly and more pro-
Will the worksheets be part of an accompany- foundly the worksheets thus can be based on
ing programme or will they be self-service work- only a single collection item and its more de-
sheets? Will I use the worksheets as a motivation tailed presentation. Also important is to con-
for visitors before the exhibition visit, as a sup- sider the distribution of selected exhibits in the
port during the visit, or as a review of knowledge exhibition premises, so that the working with
after the end of the visit or at its end? Will the worksheets is comfortable for the visitors – that
worksheets rather inform, or rather activate, or is, so that the object chosen is well visible, easy to
both? How will be the extent of worksheets? observe and examine, so that it is possible to ful-
fil the assigned task, or so that the working with
Choose the content and suitable exhibits worksheets does not interrupt the ordinary run-
The next step is the creation of content of the ning of the exhibition and hinder the other visi-
worksheets and selection of exhibits, on which tors in their exhibition tour.
the worksheets will be focused. The content will
be given by pedagogical intents, with which you Questions to contemplate
approach the creation of worksheets, and by the Which pieces of knowledge should the visitors
goals chosen. Afterwards it will be specified by note down, remember, what should they become
exhibits which you will choose for the work with aware and explore? Which exhibits meet these
the worksheets. If you do not want the work- criteria best? Where are these exhibits placed?
sheets to be limited on only superficial informa- Are they well visible? Can they possibly be ob-
tion, they usually cannot work with all the ob- served by more visitors at once? Which other ex-
jects exhibited. So, it is important to consider tending and deepening information on these ex-
very thoroughly what to emphasize or, the oth- hibits I can use? Do the selected exhibits follow
er way round, what to omit, so that neither the up each other in a logical way?
worksheets nor the visitors are overloaded with
information and tasks and so that it is not very Lay out the structure of worksheets
time-consuming to fill the worksheets in. Selec- The structure of a worksheet is one of important
tion of exhibits for the work with worksheets criteria which determine the success of a work-
should be the higher, the lower the age of the tar- sheet. Its logical arrangement, well-organised
get group, or the deeper you want the visitor to graphics and the choice of tasks, questions and
contemplate the exhibits or immerse emotion- information exert a direct influence on how the
ally in the topic. The selection should always be visitors will understand the topic. The structure
focused on what you intend, so that the visitors of a worksheet can in principle follow the same
engrave on mind and put into context, which methodical approach, which is usually applied
experiences they should “take home” and recall during preparation and creation of the accompa-
again with the filled-in worksheet, etc. It usually nying museum programmes; so it can be based
concerns important facts or contexts which are on the same concepts and methods. For example,
otherwise little known, or own experiences with in terms of the RWCT method (Reading and
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