Page 74 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(2) (2018)
P. 74
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 6 (2018), številk a 2 74three major factories, Ampelea (Delamaris), Arrigo-ed for a short time. While the memory and oral histo-
ni (Argo or Droga) and Degrassi (later Riba), are situ- ry of the factory are not well kept among the local pop-
hereditatiated outside the old town and are still visible in Izola’sulation, this gap is bridged by amateur researchers. The
zoning plan. Well located, the abandoned factory build- third largest factory, the Noerdlinger plant, where Bos-
ings are now interesting for capital investment and have nian plums were made into jam by less than ninety em-
been the object of successive resales due to a failed tran- ployees, was set up by the Noerdlinger brothers in the
sition and misuse of former collective property. The ar- eastern section of the bay in 1884. Today, this factory and
ticle was written within the framework of the Student its location are kept in oral histories of amateur research-
Innovation Project for Social Benefit (ŠIPK) – Fish on ers interested in technical or industrial heritage. Anoth-
the Way, Fish Showing the Way: The Heritage of Fish- er in the series of minor food processing plants in Izo-
eries and the Processing Industry with an Emphasis on la was the Degrassi (later Torrigiani) plant. Established
Izola, which was carried out from March to June 2018. in 1882, it employed less than seventy persons over the
The aim of the project was to teach strollers enjoying years. Later on, the building complex housed the Riba
Slovenian coastal landscapes about the cultural heritage company, known primarily for its fishing fleet. Even to-
associated with the fish processing industry and fisher- day, there are buildings and a former škver, a convenient
ies. By creating trails along the locations of the former shipyard, where the once-substantial fishing fleet was
fish canning factories from the eastern to the western maintained. The first memory of the former Arrigoni
part of Izola, actors wanted to contribute to the tour- (later Droga) factory is certainly the famous brand of
ist offer, which preserves the cultural heritage associat- “Argo soup”, while the subsequent generations are more
ed with fisheries and the fish processing industry. In the familiar with its pates, which are today revived as Argeta
northern part of the Adriatic Sea, the latter represent- pate, with the slogan On the good side of bread.
ed the main employer in the area; moreover, it shaped What remains of the Arrigoni factory is its dilapidat-
the image of the place and, during the Austro-Hungar- ed buildings and a chimney, which, according to some,
ian period, supplied the Habsburg Empire with forage spoil the image of the marina and, according to others,
fish all the way to Vienna, Budapest, Prague and other testify to the great importance of this once magnificent
major cities. Izola’s factories were part of large produc- plant. Little is written about the Troian factory as well.
tion chains and, together with some other factories in Is- It was set up in 1881 somewhere in the San Simon area
tria, represented important brands. The article describes and incorporated into the Arrigoni factory after World
the history of the most important food processing in- War I. Troian’s location is not well known, but it is be-
dustries and fish canning factories that, while still quite lieved to have stood in the San Simon bay. Most of the
successful in the SFR Yugoslavia, were mostly blight- existing buildings of former industrial plants are collaps-
ed following Slovenia’s independence and its transition ing, triggering excitement of visitors, whether the ruins
to neoliberal capitalism. The article presents the devel- are seen as scandalous or feed the curiosity of walkers.
opment of six town factories, their architectural frame, Due to this fact, the authors of the project decided to
production lines, and some important brands. One of transmit the former social memory as a legacy or cultur-
the most successful companies of today’s Slovenian Pri- al heritage, in the belief that the reputation of the for-
morje, the Ampelea factory (later Delamaris) shaped mer fishing town should not be consigned to oblivion.
the life of Izolans and formed the image of the east-
ern part of the town since 1879, when the factory com- Viri in literatura
menced its operations, and until it moved to Pivka. The
golden period of the factory is evoked by abandoned Kramar, J. 1987. Izola: mesto ribičev in delavcev.
and decomposing buildings with a distinctive renewed Koper: Založba Lipa.
logo on the board standing at the entrance to the yard.
The other factory, Delise, was opened in 1920, in the im- Kramar, J. 1992. »Ribja industrija v Izoli v letih
mediate vicinity of the first one. It is known as one of the od 1945–1954«. Annales no. 2: 175–182.
smallest as it employed only nine workers and operat-
Egić, G. 2016. Ribja predelovalna industrija v
Izoli. Diplomsko delo. Ljubljana: Univerza
v Ljubljani – Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek
ni (Argo or Droga) and Degrassi (later Riba), are situ- ry of the factory are not well kept among the local pop-
hereditatiated outside the old town and are still visible in Izola’sulation, this gap is bridged by amateur researchers. The
zoning plan. Well located, the abandoned factory build- third largest factory, the Noerdlinger plant, where Bos-
ings are now interesting for capital investment and have nian plums were made into jam by less than ninety em-
been the object of successive resales due to a failed tran- ployees, was set up by the Noerdlinger brothers in the
sition and misuse of former collective property. The ar- eastern section of the bay in 1884. Today, this factory and
ticle was written within the framework of the Student its location are kept in oral histories of amateur research-
Innovation Project for Social Benefit (ŠIPK) – Fish on ers interested in technical or industrial heritage. Anoth-
the Way, Fish Showing the Way: The Heritage of Fish- er in the series of minor food processing plants in Izo-
eries and the Processing Industry with an Emphasis on la was the Degrassi (later Torrigiani) plant. Established
Izola, which was carried out from March to June 2018. in 1882, it employed less than seventy persons over the
The aim of the project was to teach strollers enjoying years. Later on, the building complex housed the Riba
Slovenian coastal landscapes about the cultural heritage company, known primarily for its fishing fleet. Even to-
associated with the fish processing industry and fisher- day, there are buildings and a former škver, a convenient
ies. By creating trails along the locations of the former shipyard, where the once-substantial fishing fleet was
fish canning factories from the eastern to the western maintained. The first memory of the former Arrigoni
part of Izola, actors wanted to contribute to the tour- (later Droga) factory is certainly the famous brand of
ist offer, which preserves the cultural heritage associat- “Argo soup”, while the subsequent generations are more
ed with fisheries and the fish processing industry. In the familiar with its pates, which are today revived as Argeta
northern part of the Adriatic Sea, the latter represent- pate, with the slogan On the good side of bread.
ed the main employer in the area; moreover, it shaped What remains of the Arrigoni factory is its dilapidat-
the image of the place and, during the Austro-Hungar- ed buildings and a chimney, which, according to some,
ian period, supplied the Habsburg Empire with forage spoil the image of the marina and, according to others,
fish all the way to Vienna, Budapest, Prague and other testify to the great importance of this once magnificent
major cities. Izola’s factories were part of large produc- plant. Little is written about the Troian factory as well.
tion chains and, together with some other factories in Is- It was set up in 1881 somewhere in the San Simon area
tria, represented important brands. The article describes and incorporated into the Arrigoni factory after World
the history of the most important food processing in- War I. Troian’s location is not well known, but it is be-
dustries and fish canning factories that, while still quite lieved to have stood in the San Simon bay. Most of the
successful in the SFR Yugoslavia, were mostly blight- existing buildings of former industrial plants are collaps-
ed following Slovenia’s independence and its transition ing, triggering excitement of visitors, whether the ruins
to neoliberal capitalism. The article presents the devel- are seen as scandalous or feed the curiosity of walkers.
opment of six town factories, their architectural frame, Due to this fact, the authors of the project decided to
production lines, and some important brands. One of transmit the former social memory as a legacy or cultur-
the most successful companies of today’s Slovenian Pri- al heritage, in the belief that the reputation of the for-
morje, the Ampelea factory (later Delamaris) shaped mer fishing town should not be consigned to oblivion.
the life of Izolans and formed the image of the east-
ern part of the town since 1879, when the factory com- Viri in literatura
menced its operations, and until it moved to Pivka. The
golden period of the factory is evoked by abandoned Kramar, J. 1987. Izola: mesto ribičev in delavcev.
and decomposing buildings with a distinctive renewed Koper: Založba Lipa.
logo on the board standing at the entrance to the yard.
The other factory, Delise, was opened in 1920, in the im- Kramar, J. 1992. »Ribja industrija v Izoli v letih
mediate vicinity of the first one. It is known as one of the od 1945–1954«. Annales no. 2: 175–182.
smallest as it employed only nine workers and operat-
Egić, G. 2016. Ribja predelovalna industrija v
Izoli. Diplomsko delo. Ljubljana: Univerza
v Ljubljani – Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek