Page 124 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 8(2) (2020)
P. 124
kim besediščem nekoliko več predvidljivosti in varnos- al period of primary school. The curriculum encourag-
ti. Komunikacijski pristop predstavlja optimalen način es the development of communication skills in the sec-
studia universitatis hereditati, letnik 8 (2020), številka 2 usvajanja jezika, ki omogoča razvijanje sporazumevalne ond language, so it can be concluded that the teacher hereditati
zmožnosti. Cilj pouka, ki temelji na komunikaciji je bolj must use mostly Italian when teaching the L2. He thus
usmerjen na intuitivno zaznavo sporočil. Tudi iz vidika develops students' communication skills through con-
humanistično-afektivnega pristopa je zagotovo ustre- tent, activities and interdisciplinary connections. Based
znejši za starostno stopnjo otrok v 1. in 2. VIO osnovne on the document that regulates the teaching of Italian
šole. Učni načrt spodbuja k razvijanju sporazumevalne in the ethnically mixed area of Slovenian Istria and in ac-
zmožnosti v J2, zato lahko sklepamo, da mora učitelj pri cordance with European language policy, we can pro-
pouku drugega jezika večinoma uporabljati italijanski duce many arguments in favour of using a communica-
jezik. Sporazumevalno zmožnost učencev tako razvija tion approach not excluding however other approaches
preko vsebin, dejavnosti in medpredmetnih povezav. Iz- when suitable.
hajajoč iz temeljnega dokumenta, ki narekuje pouk itali-
janščine na narodno mešanem obočju slovenske Istre in Viri in literatura
je usklajen z evropsko jezikovno politiko, imamo veliko
argumentov, ki govorijo v prid rabe komunikacijskega Balboni, P., L. d’Alessandro, B. Di Sabato in
pristopa, istočasno pa ne izključujejo ostalih pristopov, A. Perri. 2017. Lingue, linguaggi, testi e
kadar so za njihovo rabo primerne okoliščine. contesti. Riflessioni e proposte operative per
una didattica delle competenze. Soveria
Summary Mannelli: Rubbettino.
The present article offers a historical overview of glotto- Barle Lakota, A. 2011. Skupni evropski jezikovni
didactics of teaching L2 / FL and the implementation of okvir: učenje, poučevanje, ocenjevanje.
an individual method/approach in teaching in accord- Ljubljana: Ministrstvo Republike
ance with what is determined by the Curriculum for Slovenije za šolstvo in šport (slovenska
Italian in the ethnically mixed area of S lovenian Istria. izdaja). Https://
The grammar-translation method, despite the short- uploads/2015/10/SEJO-komplet-za-splet.pdf.
comings in language teaching, is still partially present in
some segments, mainly because the small number of J2 Brewster, J., G. Ellis in D. Girard. 2002. The
hours limits the time available for a natural understand- Primary English Teacher’s Guide. London:
ing of individual meanings. The direct method is similar Penguin Books.
to the acquisition of the mother tongue and is based on
the principle of inductive theory, when we learn a lan- Cook, V. 1996. Second Language Learning and
guage by imitation and not by analysis, by use and not Language Teaching. London: Arnold.
by grammar. The audio-lingual method is monotonous,
uncreative, and heavily marked by routine, which, how- Crystal, D. 2005. How language works.
ever, is boring and therefore unattractive to many stu- London: Penguin.
dents. The positive side of the method is the predicta-
bility of communicative patterns, which allows students Diadori, P. 2009. Manuale di didattica
with poor vocabulary a little more predictability and se- dell’ italiano L2. Milano: Guerra Edizioni.
curity. The communication approach is an optimal way
of learning a language, which enables the development Hall, G., in G. Cook. 2013. Own-language
of communication skills. The goal of lessons based on use in ELT: exploring global practices and
communication is more focused on intuitive message attitudes. London: British Council.
perception. Also from the point of view of the human-
istic-affective approach, it is certainly more appropriate Jazbec, S. in M. Dagarin Fojkar. 2010. »Zgodnje
for the age level of children in the 1st and 2nd education- učenje tujih jezikov (angleščine, nemščine,
francoščine in italijanščine) z vidika
analize opazovanja pouka in portfoliev
učiteljev.« V Pot v večjezičnost – zgodnje
učenje tujih jezikov v 1. VIO osnovne šole,
ur. Alja Lipavic Oštir in Saša Jazbec, 31–
56. Ljubljana: Zavod Republike Slovenije za
ti. Komunikacijski pristop predstavlja optimalen način es the development of communication skills in the sec-
studia universitatis hereditati, letnik 8 (2020), številka 2 usvajanja jezika, ki omogoča razvijanje sporazumevalne ond language, so it can be concluded that the teacher hereditati
zmožnosti. Cilj pouka, ki temelji na komunikaciji je bolj must use mostly Italian when teaching the L2. He thus
usmerjen na intuitivno zaznavo sporočil. Tudi iz vidika develops students' communication skills through con-
humanistično-afektivnega pristopa je zagotovo ustre- tent, activities and interdisciplinary connections. Based
znejši za starostno stopnjo otrok v 1. in 2. VIO osnovne on the document that regulates the teaching of Italian
šole. Učni načrt spodbuja k razvijanju sporazumevalne in the ethnically mixed area of Slovenian Istria and in ac-
zmožnosti v J2, zato lahko sklepamo, da mora učitelj pri cordance with European language policy, we can pro-
pouku drugega jezika večinoma uporabljati italijanski duce many arguments in favour of using a communica-
jezik. Sporazumevalno zmožnost učencev tako razvija tion approach not excluding however other approaches
preko vsebin, dejavnosti in medpredmetnih povezav. Iz- when suitable.
hajajoč iz temeljnega dokumenta, ki narekuje pouk itali-
janščine na narodno mešanem obočju slovenske Istre in Viri in literatura
je usklajen z evropsko jezikovno politiko, imamo veliko
argumentov, ki govorijo v prid rabe komunikacijskega Balboni, P., L. d’Alessandro, B. Di Sabato in
pristopa, istočasno pa ne izključujejo ostalih pristopov, A. Perri. 2017. Lingue, linguaggi, testi e
kadar so za njihovo rabo primerne okoliščine. contesti. Riflessioni e proposte operative per
una didattica delle competenze. Soveria
Summary Mannelli: Rubbettino.
The present article offers a historical overview of glotto- Barle Lakota, A. 2011. Skupni evropski jezikovni
didactics of teaching L2 / FL and the implementation of okvir: učenje, poučevanje, ocenjevanje.
an individual method/approach in teaching in accord- Ljubljana: Ministrstvo Republike
ance with what is determined by the Curriculum for Slovenije za šolstvo in šport (slovenska
Italian in the ethnically mixed area of S lovenian Istria. izdaja). Https://
The grammar-translation method, despite the short- uploads/2015/10/SEJO-komplet-za-splet.pdf.
comings in language teaching, is still partially present in
some segments, mainly because the small number of J2 Brewster, J., G. Ellis in D. Girard. 2002. The
hours limits the time available for a natural understand- Primary English Teacher’s Guide. London:
ing of individual meanings. The direct method is similar Penguin Books.
to the acquisition of the mother tongue and is based on
the principle of inductive theory, when we learn a lan- Cook, V. 1996. Second Language Learning and
guage by imitation and not by analysis, by use and not Language Teaching. London: Arnold.
by grammar. The audio-lingual method is monotonous,
uncreative, and heavily marked by routine, which, how- Crystal, D. 2005. How language works.
ever, is boring and therefore unattractive to many stu- London: Penguin.
dents. The positive side of the method is the predicta-
bility of communicative patterns, which allows students Diadori, P. 2009. Manuale di didattica
with poor vocabulary a little more predictability and se- dell’ italiano L2. Milano: Guerra Edizioni.
curity. The communication approach is an optimal way
of learning a language, which enables the development Hall, G., in G. Cook. 2013. Own-language
of communication skills. The goal of lessons based on use in ELT: exploring global practices and
communication is more focused on intuitive message attitudes. London: British Council.
perception. Also from the point of view of the human-
istic-affective approach, it is certainly more appropriate Jazbec, S. in M. Dagarin Fojkar. 2010. »Zgodnje
for the age level of children in the 1st and 2nd education- učenje tujih jezikov (angleščine, nemščine,
francoščine in italijanščine) z vidika
analize opazovanja pouka in portfoliev
učiteljev.« V Pot v večjezičnost – zgodnje
učenje tujih jezikov v 1. VIO osnovne šole,
ur. Alja Lipavic Oštir in Saša Jazbec, 31–
56. Ljubljana: Zavod Republike Slovenije za