Page 17 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(2) (2021)
P. 17
ia universitatis
following the roman road on mountain konjuh near kladanj 17Figure 6. Location of the Metaljka site. 5. m. The combined length of this leg of Roman
road is 10.958 m. On the location of Mramorak
old roads.4 Their stories mostly matched the ex- locality, one shorter leg of Roman road branched
isting condition on some of the localities. off, and it, following the Drinjača river up-
stream, led to the settlement of Brateljevići. The
One such location is Metaljka (Vrh),5 lo- total length of that leg is 1.558 m. Unfortunately,
cated above the village of Pauč, at an elevation except for the partially preserved route, we could
of 950 m. This locality spreads on the section not find any other signs of the road. After the
of the separate leg of Roman road communica- first field observation, on the section of the road
tion, which branched off from the main road in going from Metaljka to Usjelina locality, we dis-
Kladanj, and then went over Plahovići, Pauč and covered well preserved parts of the road, then
Usjelina to Pekara locality (Muška voda today), partially preserved but mostly destroyed rem-
located in the Drinjača valley. Based on the Aus- nants of the road and in the end just the frag-
tro-Hungarian special maps, we divided this leg ments of marks of the road communication.
of Roman road into three sections: the first one
stretches from Kladanj to Metaljka locality with After that, based on the performed record-
a length of 7.221 m; the second section stretches ing, more detailed analyses, and reconstruc-
from Metaljka to Usjelina locality with a length tion of the direction of the road route, we deter-
of 1.760 m, and the third section stretches from mined that it is a Roman road, which proved the
Usjelina to Pekara locality with a length of 1.977 hypothesis we set. This discovery represents the
first and, in every sense, evident proof that it is a
4 Thanks to Esed and Mehmed Jusupović and Huso Hali- road built in the Roman era. Besides, this is a re-

5 Toponym Metaljka can be connected with the fact that it
is in the geographical area exposed to gusts of wind (Vi-
dović 2011, 179).
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