Page 35 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 35

‘counter-revolutionaries’. However, as the histo-
               rian K. Tsivos, mentions, a rumour spread that
               the refugees supported the Soviet intervention,
               a rumour – unfounded – that was also spread
               by the radio station Free Europe (Tsivos 2022,
               72). Among the incidents against refugees, men-
               tioned in the KKE archives, are threats to em-
               ployees and residents of a  pedikos stathmos in
               Ballaton Kenese by Hungarian demonstrators,
               and the death of a 17-year-old refugee in the Sta-
               lin-Varos region (Tsivos 2022, 72–73). As a result
               of this situation, the historian continues, the ref-
               ugees asked to leave the country, a proposal that                                           35
               was adopted both by the head of KKE in Hun-
 ti            gary and by the Hungarian Communist Party,
               which asked for refugees to be sent to other so-
               cialist countries. In December 1956, 800 of them
 ta            arrived in Těchonín. However, the behaviour   Figure 7: Těchonín’s musicians tenants, n.d. around 1957
               of these refugees was completely different from
               that of the tenants of the barracks. In his report,
               the director of Těchonín (Tsivos 2022, 72) not-
 di            ed that:                                    (source: Savas’ personal archive)
                   With the Greeks from Hungary, we were
                                                               Often, but not always, refugees’ accounts of
                   confronted with phenomena of extreme
                                                           their time in the host countries, especially those
                   nationalism, Western mores and attitudes,
                                                           who remained loyal to KKE even after the end
                   particularly among young people, hostile
 here              attitudes towards the Soviet Union and its   the refugee population and/or between KKE ex- remembering the former eastern bloc: who owns the legacy – the case of těchonín
                                                           of exile, play down the tensions that arose within
                   army, while, according to some complaints,
                                                           ecutives on the spot and the refugees. They also
                   certain political refugees should not have
                                                           often avoid commenting on the unfavourable
                   come here because they sided with the coun-
                                                           conditions in which some refugees found them-
                   ter-revolution at the time of the events [in
                                                           selves because of their ideological differences, al-
                   Savas,  who  recalls  the  arrival  of  refugees
                                                           Their accounts presented the refugee commu-
               from Hungary at Těchonín, does not com-
                                                           nities as a coherent whole, without antagonisms
               ment on the context of their departure or the di-  though in some cases this was an open secret.
               vergence of positions within KKE at the time.   and closely linked to the Party. This practice of
               However, in his interview about Těchonín and   embellishing refugee communities with regard
               its importance for the lives of refugees in Czech-  to outsiders, i.e. those who are not our commu-
               oslovakia, he notes that:                   nist comrades, can be explained, on one hand,
                                                           by the polemics created about the history of the
                   for me it is important and it was important
                   this system, this socialist system showed me   civil war and its memory in Greek society, and
                   that at the time, at the beginning of popular   particularly in Greek historiography, and on the
                   democracy, [that] it could help people, that   other hand, by the widespread anti-communism
                   is to say those who were in a difficult situa-  in Eastern Europe on the other (Blaive 2020),
                   tion [...].                             which have produced within refugee communi-
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