Page 126 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik XIV (2018), številka 28, ISSN 2590-9754
P. 126
razprave, študije
mo njegovo voljo. Naj bo moto Wheaton Collegea moto vseh, ki hodijo
za Jezusom: »Za Kristusa in njegovo kraljestvo« – Christo et regno eius!
viri in literatura
Allis, Oswald Thompson. 1945. Prophecy and the Church: An Examination of the Cla-
im of Dispensationalists that the Christian Faith is a Mystery Parenthesis Whi-
ch Interrupts the Fulfillment of the Old testament. Philadelphia: Presbyterian and
Berkhof, Hendrikus. 1979. Christian Faith An Introduction to the Study of the Faith.
Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
Berkhof, Louis. 1951. The Kingdom of God: The Development of the Idea of the Kingdom.
Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
Blackman, Edwin Cyril. 1939. »The Church and the Kingdom of God: Need for Discri-
mination.« Expository Times 47 (8): 369–73.
Bosch, David J. »Melbourne and Pattaya: The Left Footh and the Right Footh of the
Church?« Prispevek je bil avtorju na voljo le v neobjavljeni obliki.
Braaten, Carl. 1969. The Future of God. New York: Harper and Row.
Brown, Raymond Edward, Karl Paul Donfried in John Henry Paul Reumann. 1973.
Peter in the New Testament: A Collaborative Assessment by Protestant and Roman
Catholic Scholars. London: Geoffrey Chapman.
Bruce, Alexander Balmain. (1889) 1890. The Kingdom of God: Or, Christ‘s Teaching
According to the Synoptical Gospels. Edinburgh: T. Clark.
Cullmann, Oscar. 1950. Christ in Time: The Primitive Christian Conception of Time
and History. Philadephia: Westminster Press.
–––. (1952) 1967. Petrus, Jünger, Apostel, Märtyrer: das historische und das theologische
Petrusproblem. München/Hamburg: Siebenstern.
–––. 1956. The Early Church: Studies in Early Christian History and Theology. Ur. An-
gus John Brockhurst Higgins. Philadelphia: Westminster Press.
–––. 1967. Salvation in History. New York: Harper and Row; London: S. C. M. Press.
Dayton, Donald W. 1976. Discovering an Evangelical Heritage. New York: Harper and
Dodd, Charles Harold. 1935. The Parables of the Kingdom. London: Nisbeth.
Dunn, James D. G. 1976. »Pentecost.« V The New International Dictionary of the New
Testament Theology 1–4, ur. Colin Brown, 2:783–88. Exeter: Paternoster.
Duthie, Charles S. 1968. Outline of Christian Belief. Nashville: Abington.
mo njegovo voljo. Naj bo moto Wheaton Collegea moto vseh, ki hodijo
za Jezusom: »Za Kristusa in njegovo kraljestvo« – Christo et regno eius!
viri in literatura
Allis, Oswald Thompson. 1945. Prophecy and the Church: An Examination of the Cla-
im of Dispensationalists that the Christian Faith is a Mystery Parenthesis Whi-
ch Interrupts the Fulfillment of the Old testament. Philadelphia: Presbyterian and
Berkhof, Hendrikus. 1979. Christian Faith An Introduction to the Study of the Faith.
Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
Berkhof, Louis. 1951. The Kingdom of God: The Development of the Idea of the Kingdom.
Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
Blackman, Edwin Cyril. 1939. »The Church and the Kingdom of God: Need for Discri-
mination.« Expository Times 47 (8): 369–73.
Bosch, David J. »Melbourne and Pattaya: The Left Footh and the Right Footh of the
Church?« Prispevek je bil avtorju na voljo le v neobjavljeni obliki.
Braaten, Carl. 1969. The Future of God. New York: Harper and Row.
Brown, Raymond Edward, Karl Paul Donfried in John Henry Paul Reumann. 1973.
Peter in the New Testament: A Collaborative Assessment by Protestant and Roman
Catholic Scholars. London: Geoffrey Chapman.
Bruce, Alexander Balmain. (1889) 1890. The Kingdom of God: Or, Christ‘s Teaching
According to the Synoptical Gospels. Edinburgh: T. Clark.
Cullmann, Oscar. 1950. Christ in Time: The Primitive Christian Conception of Time
and History. Philadephia: Westminster Press.
–––. (1952) 1967. Petrus, Jünger, Apostel, Märtyrer: das historische und das theologische
Petrusproblem. München/Hamburg: Siebenstern.
–––. 1956. The Early Church: Studies in Early Christian History and Theology. Ur. An-
gus John Brockhurst Higgins. Philadelphia: Westminster Press.
–––. 1967. Salvation in History. New York: Harper and Row; London: S. C. M. Press.
Dayton, Donald W. 1976. Discovering an Evangelical Heritage. New York: Harper and
Dodd, Charles Harold. 1935. The Parables of the Kingdom. London: Nisbeth.
Dunn, James D. G. 1976. »Pentecost.« V The New International Dictionary of the New
Testament Theology 1–4, ur. Colin Brown, 2:783–88. Exeter: Paternoster.
Duthie, Charles S. 1968. Outline of Christian Belief. Nashville: Abington.