Page 216 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik XVII (2021), številka 34, ISSN 2590-9754
P. 216
Velik pomen daje Sillem kulturi in izobraževanju, vendar s poudarkom na nemški
kulturi in izobraževanju (geografsko, ne le jezikovno), ki bi ga bili deležni, če bi bila re-
formacija na Kranjskem uspešna, tudi ostali južni Slovani. To bi naj dvignilo kultur-
no raven nad tisto, ki so je bila ta slovanska ljudstva deležna pod italijanskim vplivom.
Ključne besede: reformacija, protestantizem, medkonfesionalno sobivanje, Primož
Trubar, 19. stoletje
Protestantism in the Slovene Lands in the First Six Decades of the 19th Century
The paper presents the representations and conceptions of Reformation and Prot-
estantism from the late 18th century to the early 1860s. Protestantism in the Habsburg
Monarchy underwent a new development mainly after the Patent of Toleration by em-
peror Joseph II in 1781, when the Slovene Protestant parishes in Prekmurje and the only
Slovene Crypto-Protestant community in Zagoriče in Carinthia reappeared. A new
turning point came in 1848, when the concept of equality in the Austrian Empire en-
compassed languages as well as religions.
The Slovene area at that time was characterized by a tolerant relationship between
Catholics and Protestants in the cultural and national spheres. Slomšek’s view on the
cultural significance of Slovene Protestants, as well as at the time still present German
linguistic tolerance, enabled peaceful coexistence.
The paper introduces in more detail the book about Primož Trubar by Wilhelm Sil-
lem, which was published in 1861 and has heretofore not been noticed and considered
in the historiography and biographies of Primož Trubar (with the exception of Jože Ra-
jhman). The work is important as an excellent illustration of the changed perception of
the Reformation at that moment in the development of its representations. Sillem em-
phasizes the importance of Primož Trubar and other Slovene Protestants for Slovene
cultural and educational development. In the book, he does not specifically attack the
Pope. Rather, his opposition to the Roman Catholic Church is aimed at the inactivity of
the Patriarchate of Aquileia, which did not keep up with the development of the print-
ing of Glagolitic and Cyrillic books for Slavic worship in the 16th-century South Slavic
area, neither in the Orthodox nor in the Catholic Church.
Sillem places great importance on culture and education, but with an emphasis on
German culture and education (geographically, not only linguistically), which would
have benefited other southern Slavs, if the Reformation in Carniola had been successful.
In his opinion, this would have raised the cultural level above the one which these Slav-
ic nations had under Italian influence.
Keywords: Reformation, Protestantism, confessional coexistence, Primož Trubar,
19th century

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