Page 63 - Glasbenopedagoški zbornik Akademije za glasbo, letnik 20, zvezek 40 ◆ The Journal of Music Education of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, volume 20, issue 40
P. 63

From The conceptualization To THe formalization
                                OF musical elements
             od konceptualizacije do formalizacije glasbenih elementov

                                     Lorena Mihelač
                               Šolski center Novo mesto, SGLVŠ
                           Fakulteta za informacijske študije, Novo mesto

           Abstract: This article attempts to define and categorize musical constituent elements.
           There are three key topics that are covered in this article. The first one, the utilization
           of the musical ‘language’, examines the interchangeable usage of terms used in music
           as well as the employment of similar concepts beyond the realms of music, in art and
           science. The second topic examines the concept of primary and secondary musical ele-
           ments in music theory. In addition, a hierarchical scheme of primary musical elements is
           suggested as well. The third topic of this article focuses on musical space, and it discusses
           the role that different musical elements play within the context of a two (three) dimen-
           sional plane.
           Keywords: musical elements, conceptualization, formalization, musical space, hierarchi-
           cal musical elements

           Izvleček: Pričujoči članek poskuša opredeliti in kategorizirati primarne glasbene elemen-
           te. V tem članku so obravnavane tri ključne teme. Prva tema, uporaba glasbenega »je-
           zika«, preučuje medsebojno zamenljivo rabo izrazov, ki se uporabljajo v glasbi, kot tudi
           uporabo podobnih konceptov zunaj področja glasbe, in sicer v umetnosti in znanosti.
           Druga tema obravnava koncept primarnih in sekundarnih glasbenih prvin v glasbeni teo-
           riji. Poleg tega je predlagana tudi hierarhična shema primarnih glasbenih elementov. Tre-
           tja tema članka se osredotoča na glasbeni prostor in razpravlja o vlogi, ki jo imajo različni
           glasbeni elementi v kontekstu dvodimenzionalnega oziroma tridimenzionalnega pros-
           Ključne besede: glasbeni elementi, konceptualizacija, formalizacija, glasbeni prostor, hier-
           arhija glasbenih elementov

           The Formalization of Concepts in Music

              n his paper Morgan states that ‘Without concepts we are overwhelmed by
              formlessness ... Until we have at least in some degree conceptualized our
           Iworld, we really have no world at all’ (Morgan, 1968). Music is not an excep-

           Izvirni znanstveni članek ◆ Original Scientific Article  © Author
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