Page 62 - Glasbenopedagoški zbornik Akademije za glasbo, letnik 20, zvezek 40 ◆ The Journal of Music Education of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, volume 20, issue 40
P. 62
Zadnik, K. in Habe, K. (2018). Specifične učne težave (SUT) pri predmetu
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UDC 37.018.54:78:376
The musical education of students with special educational needs (SEN students) in mu-
sic schools has been largely neglected in Slovenian research. The present study fills this
gap to some extent by providing insight into the opinions of teachers and principals of
music schools with a publicly approved programme. The survey, commissioned and fi-
nanced by the Ministry of Education and conducted by the Educational Research Insti-
tute, addressed several relevant aspects (organisation and financing of music education
of SEN students, entrance exams, implementation and organisation of instrumen-
tal and theory lessons, teachers’ and principals’ understanding of music education, and
teacher training in music instruction of SEN students).
This paper presents the results of a combined survey (questionnaires for teachers (n=185)
and principals (n=32) and two case studies of music schools) on entrance exams, the re-
spondents’ experiences with SEN students, and their competence in teaching SEN stu-
dents. The results show that only one tenth of the respondents believe that entrance
exams provide sufficient opportunities to adapt musical assessment of SEN students.
Most of the teachers with experience teaching SEN students had experienced difficul-
ties in teaching these students, which they had resolved in a variety of ways (e.g. recom-
mendations from parents, adjustment of teaching, consultation with SEN students and
colleagues). The majority of teachers rated the experience of teaching SEN students as
contributing to their professional and personal growth, while only a quarter indicated
that teaching SEN students had been a lot of work but had not produced the desired re-
sults. Particularly relevant is the finding that two fifths of the teachers did not feel able to
teach any group of SEN students. When asked how they would acquire the skills need-
ed to teach SEN students, most (two thirds) of the teachers responded that they would
need to gain practical experience teaching SEN students during their studies.