Page 49 - Spodbujanje učinkovitega učenja: zbornik povzetkov strokovne konference
P. 49
ona Špolad Nekateri pristopi spodbujanja učenja deklamacije v osnovni šoli
Osnovna šola Stražišče Kranj in odzivi učencev
V prispevku smo predstavili različne pristope k učenju deklamacije umetno-
Zbornik povzetkov strokovne stnega besedila. Pomen besede deklamacija iz SSKJ je umetniško podajati tekst
konference Spodbujanje na pamet. Deklamacija je tudi del učnega načrta za slovenščino. Med laično jav-
učinkovitega učenja, nostjo, to je predvsem med starši učencev, omemba deklamacije pesmi vzbuja
Koper, 26. avgust 2020 različne občutke za in proti; tudi nekateri učenci ob tej dejavnosti uživajo, drugi v
Abstracts of the Professional njej ne vidijo smisla . . . V prispevku smo pokazali, kako se v zadnjih letih spremi-
Conference Developing nja odnos učitelja in učencev do deklamacije pesmi v šoli. Da bi učence navdušili
Effective Learning, nad to dejavnostjo, smo učence 3. triletja osnovne šole spodbudili k učenju pesmi
Koper, 26 August 2020 in pri tem uporabili različne strategije in tehnike: od skupnega branja umetno-
stnega besedila (pesmi) do deklamacije ob kamišibaju. Na koncu prispevka bomo
te načine predstavili in jih primerjali s tistimi iz preteklih letih. Uporabili smo an-
keto z vprašanji odprtega tipa. Pokazali smo tudi na morebitno korelacijo med
ocenami pri slovenščini in ocenami pri deklamaciji ter odgovorili na vprašanje,
kaj se zgodi z deklamacijo, ki ni ocenjena s številčno oceno. Ugotovili smo, da so
učenci pri letošnji deklamaciji dobili višje ocene, saj so bili pristopi drugačni in,
ker so se večinoma izvajali v šoli, tudi manj naporni.
Ključne besede: deklamacija, recitacija, učenje v šoli, različni pristopi k učenju, uče-
nje doma
Different Approaches to Promoting Declamation Learning
in Primary School and Student Responses
In the paper, the author presents different approaches to teaching the declama-
tion of an artistic text. The definition of the word declamation in the SSKJ (i.e.
in the Dictionary of the Slovenian Language) is to artistically convey a text that
has been learnt by heart. Declamation is also part of the curriculum for Slovene.
Among the lay public, especially among the parents of the pupils, declamation
of poems nowadays evokes mixed emotions: some people are in favour of it, oth-
ers against it. The author further focuses on how the teachers’ as well as pupils’
attitude towards declamation of poems at school has changed in recent years.
To inspire pupils of the 3rd trimester of primary school to do this activity and en-
courage them to learn poems, different strategies were used, ranging from the
reading of an artistic text (poem) with all pupils participating to the pupils’ decla-
mation supported by kamishibai. In the end, we will present these methods and
compare them with those from the previous years. We used a survey with open-
ended questions. We also pointed out the possible correlation between grades in
Slovene and grades in declamation, and answered the question of what happens
to a declamation that is not evaluated by a numerical grade. We found that pupils
received higher grades in this year’s declamation due to different approaches,
and since the activities were mostly conducted at school they were consequently
less demanding for the pupils.
Key words: declamation, recitation, learning in school, different approaches to
teaching, learning at home 47
Osnovna šola Stražišče Kranj in odzivi učencev
V prispevku smo predstavili različne pristope k učenju deklamacije umetno-
Zbornik povzetkov strokovne stnega besedila. Pomen besede deklamacija iz SSKJ je umetniško podajati tekst
konference Spodbujanje na pamet. Deklamacija je tudi del učnega načrta za slovenščino. Med laično jav-
učinkovitega učenja, nostjo, to je predvsem med starši učencev, omemba deklamacije pesmi vzbuja
Koper, 26. avgust 2020 različne občutke za in proti; tudi nekateri učenci ob tej dejavnosti uživajo, drugi v
Abstracts of the Professional njej ne vidijo smisla . . . V prispevku smo pokazali, kako se v zadnjih letih spremi-
Conference Developing nja odnos učitelja in učencev do deklamacije pesmi v šoli. Da bi učence navdušili
Effective Learning, nad to dejavnostjo, smo učence 3. triletja osnovne šole spodbudili k učenju pesmi
Koper, 26 August 2020 in pri tem uporabili različne strategije in tehnike: od skupnega branja umetno-
stnega besedila (pesmi) do deklamacije ob kamišibaju. Na koncu prispevka bomo
te načine predstavili in jih primerjali s tistimi iz preteklih letih. Uporabili smo an-
keto z vprašanji odprtega tipa. Pokazali smo tudi na morebitno korelacijo med
ocenami pri slovenščini in ocenami pri deklamaciji ter odgovorili na vprašanje,
kaj se zgodi z deklamacijo, ki ni ocenjena s številčno oceno. Ugotovili smo, da so
učenci pri letošnji deklamaciji dobili višje ocene, saj so bili pristopi drugačni in,
ker so se večinoma izvajali v šoli, tudi manj naporni.
Ključne besede: deklamacija, recitacija, učenje v šoli, različni pristopi k učenju, uče-
nje doma
Different Approaches to Promoting Declamation Learning
in Primary School and Student Responses
In the paper, the author presents different approaches to teaching the declama-
tion of an artistic text. The definition of the word declamation in the SSKJ (i.e.
in the Dictionary of the Slovenian Language) is to artistically convey a text that
has been learnt by heart. Declamation is also part of the curriculum for Slovene.
Among the lay public, especially among the parents of the pupils, declamation
of poems nowadays evokes mixed emotions: some people are in favour of it, oth-
ers against it. The author further focuses on how the teachers’ as well as pupils’
attitude towards declamation of poems at school has changed in recent years.
To inspire pupils of the 3rd trimester of primary school to do this activity and en-
courage them to learn poems, different strategies were used, ranging from the
reading of an artistic text (poem) with all pupils participating to the pupils’ decla-
mation supported by kamishibai. In the end, we will present these methods and
compare them with those from the previous years. We used a survey with open-
ended questions. We also pointed out the possible correlation between grades in
Slovene and grades in declamation, and answered the question of what happens
to a declamation that is not evaluated by a numerical grade. We found that pupils
received higher grades in this year’s declamation due to different approaches,
and since the activities were mostly conducted at school they were consequently
less demanding for the pupils.
Key words: declamation, recitation, learning in school, different approaches to
teaching, learning at home 47