Page 50 - Spodbujanje učinkovitega učenja: zbornik povzetkov strokovne konference
P. 50
ela Malus Jeraj Strategije za spodbujanje in razvijanje bralne motivacije otrok
Osnovna šola Vodice Obravnava literarnih del v predšolskem obdobju in v začetku šolanja lahko poteka
na raznolike načine. V prispevku bodo predstavljene strategije za spodbujanje in
Zbornik povzetkov strokovne razvijanje bralne motivacije otrok, ki še ne znajo brati. Bralnomotivacijske strate-
konference Spodbujanje gije, ki jih je zasnovala Montserrat Sarto, španska bibliotekarka in prevajalka, iz-
učinkovitega učenja, vajamo motivacijsko, s pomočjo igre, in na ta način spodbujamo občutek užitka v
Koper, 26. avgust 2020 branju. Te strategije s pridom uporabljam pri branju pravljic v prvem razredu. Za-
Abstracts of the Professional snovane so za delo z literarnimi besedili in dolgoročno pripomorejo k izboljšanju
Conference Developing bralne zmožnosti. Njihov namen je vzpostavljanje čustvene in intelektualne vezi
Effective Learning, s knjigo ter spodbujanje pozitivnega odnosa do knjig. Ker potekajo preko igre,
Koper, 26 August 2020 otrok dosega višje ravni miselnega delovanja in rabe govora kot v drugih, bolj
strukturiranih, dejavnostih. Ena izmed strategij je »napačno branje«, kjer otrokom
glasno preberemo besedilo. Sledi skupno obnavljanje vsebine. Nato otrokom po-
vemo, da bomo besedilo prebrali še enkrat. V primeru, da se bomo zmotili, naj nas
otroci na to opozorijo tako, da rečejo »Motiš se!« Pri drugem branju spreminjamo
posamezne besede, imena oseb, dogajanje. Otroci morajo na napako opozoriti
takoj, ko jo opazijo. Ostale strategije, ki jih še uporabljam in ki jih bom v prispevku
tudi predstavila, pa so: pripovedujem pravljico, to je moja risba, čigavo je to?, kdo
je? in ušli so iz knjige. Glavni namen strategij je usmerjanje otrok v samostojno
razmišljanje in odzivanje na predstavljeno vsebino, preko česar vplivamo tudi na
razvoj bralnih zmožnosti otrok. K razvoju zgodnje porajajoče se pismenosti pri-
pomore otrokov pozitiven odnos do branja, zato skupno branje spada med naj-
pomembnejše dejavnosti v predšolskem obdobju in prvih letih šolanja.

Ključne besede: obravnava literarnih del, branje, motivacija, strategije

Strategies to Promote and Develop Preschool Children’s
Reading Motivation

The discussion of literary works in the preschool period and at the beginning of
schooling can take place in a variety of ways. Strategies for encouraging and de-
veloping reading motivation of children who cannot yet read will be presented
below. Reading-motivational strategies are designed by a Spanish librarian and
translator Montserrat Sarto, are carried out motivationally, through play, and in
this way we promote a sense of enjoyment while reading. When reading fairy
tales in first grade, we use them to our advantage. Reading-motivational strate-
gies are designed to work with literary texts and help to improve reading abili-
ties in the long run. Their purpose is to establish an emotional and intellectual
connection with the book and to promote a positive attitude towards books. Be-
cause they occur during play, the child achieves higher levels of mental function-
ing and speech use than in other, more structured activities. One of the strategies
is ‘Misreading,’ where we read the text aloud to the children. This is followed by
an analysis of the content. We then tell the children that we will read the text
again. In the case that we make a mistake, we let the children warn us by saying
‘You are wrong!’ During the second reading, we change individual words, names
of people and/or events. Children have to notify us of the error as soon as they
notice it. Other strategies I still use are: I’m telling a fairy tale, This is my drawing,
Whose is this?, Who is it? and They escaped from the book. The main purpose of
the strategies is to direct children to independent thinking and their responding
to the presented content, through which we also influence the development of
children’s reading abilities. A positive attitude towards reading contributes to the
development of early emerging literacy, so reading together is one of the most
important activities in the preschool period and the first years of school.

Key words: discussion of literary works, reading, motivation, strategies 48
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