Page 25 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 25
changes in diet during Q comparing nutritional data before and during Q.
The aim of this study was to investigate changes in dietary patterns during Q.


Table 1: Components and Scoring Standards for HEI-2015.
Modified from CNPP, 2018.

Component Scoring a Standard for 0 Standard for max
Total Fruits b 0-5
Whole Fruits c 0-5 0 >140 g/1000 kcal
Total Vegetables d 0-5 Higher in-
Greens and Beans d 0-5 take → low- Higher intake → higher score0 >70 g/1000 kcal
Whole Grains 0-10 er score
Dairy 0-10 0 >176 g/1000 kcal
Total Protein Foods d 0-5 the influence of gut microbiota and probiotics on children health 23
Seafood and Plant Proteins 0-5 0 >32 g/1000 kcal
Refined Grains 0-10 0 >43 g/1000 kcal
Sodium 0-10
Added sugars 0-10 0 >319 g/1000 kcal
Saturated Fats 0-10
HEI = sum of the above 0-100 0 >71 g/1000 kcal

0 >23 g/1000 kcal

<1.2 g/1000 kcal >2.5 g/1000 kcal

>122 g/1000 kcal <51 g/1000 kcal

>2 g/1000 kcal <1.1 g/1000 kcal

>26 % EI <6.5 % EI

>16 % EI <8 % EI

Higher score → higher diet quality

FA – fatty acids; PUFA – polyunsaturated FA; MUFA – monounsaturated FA;
SFA – saturated FA; EI – energy intake
a Proportional for intakes between standards for 0 and maximum.
b Includes 100 % fruit juice.
c All except juice.
d Includes legumes.

Participants were recruited by internet and social media to participate in a
study, which was interrupted due to the pandemic. The inclusion criteria were
age 18-60 years, absence of chronic diseases and stable body mass (BM) and
absence of antibiotic use 3 months prior to first measurement. The exclusion
criteria were change of diet in the last 6 months, and BM index (BMI) <18
kg/m2 and >30 kg/m2. 72 participants completed the first measurement before
Q in January and February 2020 and were invited to fill in further question-
naires 4 weeks after the start of Q in Slovenia. 49 participants who filled in the
validated food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) for Slovene population (Bizjak
et al, 2014) and questionnaire on food-intake connected behaviour at baseline
(B) and during Q were included in the present study. FFQ was analysed with
OPEN Platform for Clinical Nutrition accessible online through the website to obtain data on nutrient and energy intake (EI). Diet quality
was evaluated with Healthy Eating Index 2015 (HEI) (Reedy et al, 2018) accord-
ing to the developer’s protocol (Table 1 (CNPP, 2018)). 22 participants also filled
in the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) (Craig et al, 2003)
but diverse physical activity measures in use prevent international compari-
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