Page 147 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 147
essing the eating habits of the working population prehrana in hidracija | nutrition and hydration
Magda Guček
Šolski center Šentjur, Cesta na kmetijsko šolo 9, 3230 Šentjur, Slovenia
Introduction: A healthy working population is a key element in ensuring good
work performance, company effectiveness and maintaining the good social sta-
tus of the family, in short, providing personal and society growth. Many factors
influence the health of the working population, including nutrition. Eating hab-
its depend on the organization of the work process and, of course, the way that
people prepare food at home.
Methods: In the research work at the Šentjur School Center, we compared in
several cases the eating habits of employees. We compared the eating habits of
the employees in the cleaning service, professional drivers and employees of a
medium-sized production company where the meals are provided by the com-
pany. We based our research on surveys with employees.
Results: The employees in cleaning service and the professional drivers deter-
mine their mealtime by themselves, while the employees of the manufacturing
company have meals timely organized. Our researches revealed that cleaners
and drivers have poor eating habits and consequently inappropriate daily intake
of nutrients. A high percentage of them are struggling with obesity. Their diets
mostly consists of cold meals based on a large amount of bread, pasteurized
and sterilized meat products with little or no fruits and vegetables. These type
of meals are cheaper and so present a savings for the workers and at the end
higher net incomes. The eating habits of employees in the manufacturing com-
pany are, in principle, significantly better than in the aforementioned groups.
Their employer offers them a variety of meals that, in general, are nutritional-
ly balanced. These employees‘ eating habits vary by the type of work they do;
moreover, we have also noticed differences between genders. Physical work-
ers are more likely to have breakfast than workers who work in general affair
service. However, women in both groups are more likely to choose meals that
exceed their energy needs and, as a result, are often overweight.
Discussion: In our research, we analyzed only three categories of employees. It
would be interesting to analyze the catering and tourism sector, where we as-
sume the employees’ malnutrition is common. We think that employers too of-
ten forget about the costs of sick leave. If they manage to reduce them at least
for one percent by introducing healthy eating habits, they will benefit twice –
themselves and their employees.
Key words: eating, habits, service, manufacturing, workers

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