Page 155 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 155
luation of menus in a company in Styria prehrana in hidracija | nutrition and hydration
Anja Kerec
Zdravilišče Rogaška - Zdravstvo, Mariborska cesta 51/b, 2327 Rače, Slovenia
Introduction: Healthy and balanced diet is the key to health. The needs of an
individual vary depending on sex, age, fitness level and also medical condition.
A big part of our active day is spent at work. Nutrition at the workplace is of
key importance for a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, the meal at the workplace
doesn‘t fit the needs of an individual. The goal of this article is to evaluate the
menu suitability of a company in Slovenian Styria and recommend improve-
ments that would make the meals more balanced.
Methods and results: We made an evaluation of menus from a company in the
Styria region. The company has about 300 employees, with the number of
women and men being about the same. Most of the physical work is light, with
a handful of men doing heavy physical work. The work is being done in three
shifts. The company has organized meals for all three shifts with a cold meal for
the night one. We interviewed the HR representative of the company and the
meal supplier regarding the popular dishes, sizes of meals, differences in eating
habits of workers, etc. With the help of Practicum of healthy eating habits for
workers in work organizations and with aid of tools OPKP (Open Platform of
Clinical Nutrition) and Prodi we analyzed 20 different meals (selection of men-
us for March, April, and May). The sizes of portions were estimated with the
help of the meal supplier and quantitative standards for meal preparation. We
discovered that most (17) of the meals were too rich in energy, but were nu-
trient-poor. The protein content of the meals was satisfactory, but they were
high in fat (mostly saturated) and simple carbohydrates. The company posted
the results of this analysis in their internal publication. Each menu was provided
with commentary and recommendations to improve the balance of the meal.
We also gave meal recommendations for the night shift workers, which previ-
ously contained a lot of processed meat and simple carbohydrates.
Research from the National Institute of Public Health of Slovenia showed that
in general our nutrition contains too much saturated fats, trans fatty acids,
salt, sugar and flavor enhancers. The research of Slovenian eating habits also
showed that we don’t eat enough fruit and vegetables. Trends show that the
awareness of proper nutrition is increasing.
Key words: nutrition, workplace, balanced nutrition, energy needs

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