Page 185 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo ▪︎ Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 185
M Portal - a safe hub for eHealth services and medical uporaba ikt na področju zdravja | use of information and communication technologies
Živa Rant, Jure Janet, Dalibor Stanimirović
National Institute of Public Health, Trubarjeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Basics and intent: Slovenia has relatively well developed IT solutions for
eHealth services. One of the main solutions provided is the national eHealth
portal named zVEM (in Slovenian: zdravje vse na enem mestu, all health servic-
es on one entry point). The web-based zVEM portal enables a safe access to
eHealth services and medical documentation for patients and healthcare pro-
viders. The technological and infrastructural groundwork for the zVEM portal
was established in November 2015, while a full release with all features for us-
ers was launched in early 2017.
Content: By the use of zVEM portal patients can look over medical documenta-
tion for themselves or their children (under 15 years). Medical documentation
on the zVEM portal contains specialist medical results, release letters from the
hospitals and patient summary. The latter is a structured data record, which
consists of several important medical data, needed for a quick scan of a pa-
tient’s medical condition and treatment, and is part of the Central Patient Data
Registry. All of these documents are accessible to doctors, so that patients do
not have to carry them during medical treatment from one doctor to another.
Patients can also revise their prescribed and issued medications, and review ac-
tive and appointed referrals, including waiting times for the designated medical
services. It is also possible to arrange an appointment for medical services via
the zVEM portal, including a possible cancellation. zVEM additionally provides
patient declarations of intent, general medical information and research ques-
tionnaires. All features of the zVEM portal are available upon registration with
a personal digital certificate.
The number of the zVEM portal active users is rapidly growing, and up to
March 2020, more than 38.000 users were registered, with more than 100.000
monthly visitors in January 2020, and the numbers keep growing. Most patients
revise their referrals and other medical documentation. According to the data
of the Statistical Office of Slovenia, zVEM portal was used by 15% of 16–74-year
olds, the user share was the highest among persons between 35 and 44 years.
Main findings: zVEM portal is an important development milestone in the histo-
ry of the Slovenian public healthcare, both for the patients and for the health-
care providers. The rising number of the zVEM portal users clearly confirms
the growing awareness of the benefits of medical data and the significant inter-
est of patients in taking a more active role in caring for their health and well-be-
Key words: zVEM Portal, eHealth, patient, medical data, medical

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