Page 245 - Lazar, Irena, Aleksander Panjek in Jonatan Vinkler. Ur. 2020. Mikro in makro. Pristopi in prispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici UP Fakultete za humanistične študije, 2. knjiga. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 245
mreženje kot magična beseda sodobnosti
problemih, nato pa o tehničnih rešitvah (za te probleme) (Wajcman 2016,
194, 197). Dokler je hitrost seksi, pa si vsekakor ne moremo obetati drugač-
ne družbe. Ko in če si bodo posamezniki za življenjske prioritete postavi-
li druge vizije, se bo to vsekakor odrazilo tudi v spremenjenih praksah. In
nič prej.
Viri in literatura
Objavljeni viri
Turkle, S. 2012. »The Flight From Conversation.« The New York Times, April
21, 2012.
Barber, B. R. 2006. »How Democratic are the New Telecommunication
Technologies.« Prispevek predstavljen na Second Conference on the
Internet, Law and Politics: Analysis and Prospective Study, Barcelona,
Open University of Catalonia.
ct/10.7238/idp.v0i3.401/ UOC
Boyd, D. M., in N. B. Ellison. 2007. »Social Network Sites: Definition, History,
and Scholarship.« Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 13 (1):
Castells, M. 2014. »The Impact of the Internet on Society: A Global Perspective.«
V Change: 19 Key Essays on How Internet Is Changing Our Lives, ur. J. Fox,
127–48. Nashville, TN: Turner.
Couldry, N. 2014. »Inaugural: A Necessary Disenchantment: Myth, Agency
and Injustice in a Digital World.« The Sociological Review 62 (4): 880–97.
DiMaggio, P. 2014. »The Internet’s Influence on the Production and
Consumption of Culture: Creative Destruction and New Opportunities.
« V Change: 19 Key Essays on How the Internet Is Changing Our Lives, ur.
J. Fox, 359–96. Nashville, TN: Turner.
Fuchs, C. 2015. »Power in the Age of Social Media.« Heathwood Journal of
Critical Theory 1 (1): 1–29.
Fuchs, C. 2017. Social Media: A Critical introduction. Los Angeles; London;
New Delhi; Singapore; Washington; Melbourne: SAGE Publications.
Gillespie, T. 2018. Custodians of the Internet: Platforms, Content Moderation,
and the Hidden Decisions that Shape Social Media. New Haven, CT;
London: Yale University Press.
problemih, nato pa o tehničnih rešitvah (za te probleme) (Wajcman 2016,
194, 197). Dokler je hitrost seksi, pa si vsekakor ne moremo obetati drugač-
ne družbe. Ko in če si bodo posamezniki za življenjske prioritete postavi-
li druge vizije, se bo to vsekakor odrazilo tudi v spremenjenih praksah. In
nič prej.
Viri in literatura
Objavljeni viri
Turkle, S. 2012. »The Flight From Conversation.« The New York Times, April
21, 2012.
Barber, B. R. 2006. »How Democratic are the New Telecommunication
Technologies.« Prispevek predstavljen na Second Conference on the
Internet, Law and Politics: Analysis and Prospective Study, Barcelona,
Open University of Catalonia.
ct/10.7238/idp.v0i3.401/ UOC
Boyd, D. M., in N. B. Ellison. 2007. »Social Network Sites: Definition, History,
and Scholarship.« Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 13 (1):
Castells, M. 2014. »The Impact of the Internet on Society: A Global Perspective.«
V Change: 19 Key Essays on How Internet Is Changing Our Lives, ur. J. Fox,
127–48. Nashville, TN: Turner.
Couldry, N. 2014. »Inaugural: A Necessary Disenchantment: Myth, Agency
and Injustice in a Digital World.« The Sociological Review 62 (4): 880–97.
DiMaggio, P. 2014. »The Internet’s Influence on the Production and
Consumption of Culture: Creative Destruction and New Opportunities.
« V Change: 19 Key Essays on How the Internet Is Changing Our Lives, ur.
J. Fox, 359–96. Nashville, TN: Turner.
Fuchs, C. 2015. »Power in the Age of Social Media.« Heathwood Journal of
Critical Theory 1 (1): 1–29.
Fuchs, C. 2017. Social Media: A Critical introduction. Los Angeles; London;
New Delhi; Singapore; Washington; Melbourne: SAGE Publications.
Gillespie, T. 2018. Custodians of the Internet: Platforms, Content Moderation,
and the Hidden Decisions that Shape Social Media. New Haven, CT;
London: Yale University Press.