Page 296 - Lazar, Irena, Aleksander Panjek in Jonatan Vinkler. Ur. 2020. Mikro in makro. Pristopi in prispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici UP Fakultete za humanistične študije, 2. knjiga. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 296
Spletni viri
Bellis, M. 2019. »The History of Kodak.« Nazadnje posodobljeno 5. oktobra 2019.
to Smartphones.« Nazadnje posodobljeno 1. septembra 2017. https://www. 12-trillion-photos-to-be-taken-in-2017-thanks-to-
Photography as a Supplement
Taking a note about the future of photography from Walter Benjamin's
"Short History of Photography" as a point of departure, we analyse the
relationship between writing and photography in the context of Plato's
Phaedrus in Jacques Derrida's Grammatology. Benjamin's photographic
dictum, according to which the illiterate of the future will be the person ig-
norant of the photographic camera, is contextualised and related to the his-
tory of writing on the one hand, and the history of the photographic me-
dium, on the other. If writing can at best be grasped as a supplement of
speech, then photography can also be seen as a supplement, in this case, of
nature itself. Due to the complex nature of the photographic medium, how-
ever, there is no singular answer to the question of the supplement. In case
of its realistic interpretation, photography functions not as a supplement,
but as nature itself. Therefore, only through formalist/modernist interpre-
tation can photography be understood as a supplement, nevertheless, con-
stantly faced with a threat that after its end, the supplement will transform
to a replacement, and substitute our world for a representation. As the pop-
ularity and use of photography in contemporary world shows, Benjamin
was partially right, we use it as much as writing, even though we never de-
veloped a photographic vision, as he would probably expect.
Bellis, M. 2019. »The History of Kodak.« Nazadnje posodobljeno 5. oktobra 2019.
to Smartphones.« Nazadnje posodobljeno 1. septembra 2017. https://www. 12-trillion-photos-to-be-taken-in-2017-thanks-to-
Photography as a Supplement
Taking a note about the future of photography from Walter Benjamin's
"Short History of Photography" as a point of departure, we analyse the
relationship between writing and photography in the context of Plato's
Phaedrus in Jacques Derrida's Grammatology. Benjamin's photographic
dictum, according to which the illiterate of the future will be the person ig-
norant of the photographic camera, is contextualised and related to the his-
tory of writing on the one hand, and the history of the photographic me-
dium, on the other. If writing can at best be grasped as a supplement of
speech, then photography can also be seen as a supplement, in this case, of
nature itself. Due to the complex nature of the photographic medium, how-
ever, there is no singular answer to the question of the supplement. In case
of its realistic interpretation, photography functions not as a supplement,
but as nature itself. Therefore, only through formalist/modernist interpre-
tation can photography be understood as a supplement, nevertheless, con-
stantly faced with a threat that after its end, the supplement will transform
to a replacement, and substitute our world for a representation. As the pop-
ularity and use of photography in contemporary world shows, Benjamin
was partially right, we use it as much as writing, even though we never de-
veloped a photographic vision, as he would probably expect.