Page 161 - Možnosti aktivnega staranja strokovnih delavcev v vzgoji in izobraževanju s postopnim uvajanjem mladih v poklice.
P. 161

Population aging is a socially topical phenomenon in all countries, as it radi-
cally changes the social structure, culture, certain employment mechanisms
and policies of countries. However, some important structural features of the
labour market related to the work of teachers shape the position of teachers
even more intensely and can have strong implications for the quality and
equity of education. The quality of education of future pedagogical profes-
sionals is of primary importance for further work, since quality is the most
important school factor influencing student achievement. The implementa-
tion of a conceptual continuity in which, on the one hand, the professional
introduction of young people into the profession and, on the other hand, the
active aging and relief of older colleagues is cultivated, is a neuralgic point
to meet the basic professional and personal needs of both groups.

The study highlights the importance of the main actor in pedagogy, the
teacher-mentor, the professional, emotionally intelligent, mature individual
who will be able to guide his younger colleague to be systematically protec-
ted (in terms of incentives – flexibility or reduction) with selective priorities of
work and practical guidance. Workload, remuneration, early retirement, etc.)
The study examines the position of pedagogical workers and associated ac-
tive aging, as well as the position of future pedagogical workers, students at
the University of Primorska, Faculty of Education.

The presented starting points and questions about the aging of the popu-
lation, the interest in the pedagogical profession and finally the prediction of
the situation and conditions related to the active aging of pedagogical wor-
kers with the gradual introduction of young people into the professions have
led to an in-depth study. The purpose of the study was based on demonstra-
ting the importance of the pedagogical profession and the need for plan-
ning the employment, education and training of pedagogical professionals.
To achieve the purpose of the research, we proceeded from the following re-
search steps: (a) analysis of existing literature, legal and programmatic star-
ting points; (b) an analysis of existing active aging policies and practices in
EU member states; (c) focusing on the context, policy and legal framework,
funding and structures to promote active aging in the workplace and the
role of guidance; (d) conducting a survey among students of pedagogical di-
sciplines (future pedagogical and professional staff ) about their interest in

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