Page 309 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2025. Glasbena interpretacija: med umetniškim in znanstvenim┊Music Interpretation: Between the Artistic and the Scientific. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 8
P. 309

            die er dann allgemein sichtbar vorstelle. Die gesamte Konzertsituation mit
            ihren Ritualen sei auf den Dirigenten ausgerichtet, er sei für die Menge im
            Saal der Führer. Über seine kleine Armee von Berufsspielern übe er eine
            absolute Befehlsgewalt aus, er allein besitze die Partitur und sei damit all-
            gegenwärtig. Der Dirigent stelle das ganze Werk in seiner Gleichzeitigkeit
            und seiner Aufeinanderfolge vor, die
            Welt bestehe während der Aufführung aus nichts anderem, und genauso
            lange sei der Dirigent der Herrscher der Welt.
                 Schlüsselwörter: Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix Weingartner,
                 Beethoven-Bild, Dirigentenbeschimpfung, Führungsforschung

                 Wolfgang Marx
                 AI and Musical Interpretation
            Generative AI is used to create music more and more. This chapter explores
            how this phenomenon affects aspects of musical interpretation. The way in
            which AI generates texts, pictures, music and other media indicates that –
            compared to human creators – it is likely to reduce the range of interpreta-
            tive variants in its output. This argument is developed in three steps: firstly,
            a number of examples of AI-generated songs are presented in order to out-
            line what AI can do at the moment. Secondly, the way in which large lan-
            guage models (LLMs) – the underlying systems of many AI generators –
            work is discussed, showing that LLMs have a tendency to standardise their
            results, while also removing any quirk or idiosyncrasy that human crea-
            tors would (unconsciously) include. AI outputs are “depersonalised”, as it
            were. Thirdly, the concept of “model collapse” is introduced. It leads to fur-
            ther homogenisation as AI systems will inevitably include more and more
            data in their processes that are already AI-created, setting in motion a spi-
            ral of self-referentiality that is likely to lead to a collapse of the systems in
            the long run. While this may not be inevitable it poses enough of a risk to
            give us food for thought and spend more time assessing the danger posed
            to interpretative variety by generative AI.
                 Keywords: AI-generated music, music and model collapse, deepfakes
                 of singers’ voices, AI and musical interpretation

                 Lidia Melnyk
                 Die etwas andere „Wiener Schule“: Eduard Steurmann und seine Lemberger Schüler
            Die vorliegende Forschung setzt sich mit den wenig bekannten Schicksa-
            len der Lemberger Pianisten Jakob Gimpel, Artur Hermelin und Leopold

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