Page 103 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 103
če postali prepoznatljiv element nošnje kako žena together with a necklace of bronze bullae. At that time povezanost ... ■ a coherence ... 103
tako i muškaraca najčešće određenog statusnog sim- belts used by Japodi were mostly uniformed and of sim-
bola od 6. pa sve do 3. st. pr. Kr.184 ple execution – similar as in the south-western Pre-Al-
pine area. They were a characteristic of Dolenjska
S obzirom na to da su okolnosti vrlo srodne, osorsku group where they were continuous use from the Stična
pojasnu kopču valja zasad razumijevati u istom, širem to the Negova helmet horizon.183 But it is certain that
vremenskom rasponu, kada u modu okolnog prosto- the belts and belt buckles became a recognizable ele-
ra ulaze pojasne garniture takvog tipa i kada se počinje ment of female and male attire of a mostly determined
primjenjivati prilagođeni i preuređeni »rječnik simbo- status symbol from the 6th up to the 3rd cent. BC.184
la« preuzet iz šireg sredozemnog kulturnog kruga. Given the fact that circumstances were very similar, the
belt plate from Osor should be for the time being con-
Osorska pojasna kopča atraktivna je prije svega sidered in the same, broader chronological time span
zbog središnjeg motiva koji, iako bez izravnih ana- when belt sets of this type entered the fashion of the
logija, određene simboličke sličnosti nalazi u japod- surrounding area. It was a time when an adapted and
skom umjetničkom stvaralaštvu. Naime, prikaz stri- rearranged »vocabulary of symbols« originating from
jele ili koplja središnji je motiv raskošno ukrašenih the Mediterranean cultural circle started to be used.
pojasnih ploča iz Prozora koje imaju razrađenu mi- The belt plate from Osor is attractive primarily due to
tološku priču bogate likovne naracije, mada nešto its central motif that, although lacking direct analogy,
mlađeg datuma.185 Isto rješenje mitološke priče kao has certain symbolic similarities in the artistic creation
motiva zastupljeno je i na srodnim pločama iz Oša- of the Japodi. The depiction of an arrows or a spear is
nića kod Stoca186 i iz Veljih Ledina kod Gostilja.187 the central motive of the opulently decorated belt plate
Same po sebi, te nam ploče pojasnih garnitura odra- from Prozor featuring an elaborate mythological sto-
žavaju identitet, simboličku povezanost njihova nosi- ry with a rich visual narrative, although of a slightly
telja i scene koja je na njima prikazana.188 Zanimljivo younger date.185 The same solution of the mythological
je naravno kako su sve one trapezoidnog oblika, upra- story as a motif is present also on the related plates from
vo kao i naš osorski primjerak. Ošanići near Stolac186 and from Velje Ledine near Gos-
tilj.187 By themselves these plates from belt sets sustain

184 Bakarić 2005, 10. 183 Hiller1991,294-295;Bakarić2005,18-20;cf.TeccoHvala2012,171-179,183-185,sl.70.
185 Balen-Letunić 1995-1996; Bakarić 2005, 21-24; Kukoč 2008, 86, sl. 12-18; Kukoč 184 Bakarić 2005, 10.
185 Balen-Letunić 1995-1996; Bakarić 2005, 21-24; Kukoč 2008, 86, sl. 12-18; Kukoč
2009, 228.
186 Marić1973;Marić1995,44,51,Abb.12;Kukoč1998,8-9,sl.5-6;Kukoč2009,sl.344-345. 2009, 228.
187 Basler 1969, 9-10, 29, T. VII, 30/2; Kukoč 1998, 8-9, sl. 4; Blečić 2007, 90-91, Fig. 186 Marić 1973; Marić 1995, 44, 51, Abb. 12; Kukoč 1998, 8-9, sl. 5-6; Kukoč 2009, sl.

12; Kukoč 2009, sl. 343. 344-345.
188 Blečić 2007, 90. 187 Basler 1969, 9-10, 29, T. VII, 30/2; Kukoč 1998, 8-9, sl. 4; Blečić 2007, 90-91, Fig. 12;
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