Page 104 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 104
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 104 Ipak, na njemu je ideja prikazana simbolom, tj. zna- the identity, symbolic linking of their wearers and the
kom u posve reduciranoj formi lišenoj dodatnog sa- scene which is depicted on them.188 Of course it is inter-
držaja. Znak je jasna i direktna poruka, a interpreti- esting that all of them are trapezoidal in shape, just like
rati se može kao simbol tzv. nebeskog koplja koji ima our example from Osor.
kozmičku, tj. univerzalnu simboliku identificiranu sa Nevertheless, on its surface the idea is depicted by a
sunčevom zrakom.189 Kao i kod mlađih primjeraka iz sign in a completely reduced form deprived of addi-
Prozora, Ošanića i Veljih Ledina tako se i na osorskoj tional content. The sign is a clear and direct message –
kopči nebeska strijela/koplje proteže od šire prema it can be interpreted as a symbol of the so-called heav-
užoj strani okova. Taj postupak ističe karakterističan enly spear which has cosmic, i.e. the universal symbolic
smjer pružanja Nebo-Zemlja.190 Strijela se kao oblik identified with a sunbeam.189 As on younger specimens
teofanije, najopćenitije, u gotovo svim kulturama, in- from Prozor, Ošanići and Velje Ledine, on the plate
terpretira kao oružje nebeskog božanstva koja stvara from Osor the celestial arrow/spear extends from the
i razara u istome trenutku, obilježavajući na taj način broader towards the narrower side of the plate. This
život i smrt. Onog čovjeka kojeg pogodi takva strijela process highlights the distinctive direction from Heav-
je posvećen,191 pa se metafora njezina temeljnog znače- en to Earth.190 The arrow as a form of theophanyis, gen-
nja vrlo vjerojatno može razumijevati i za nositelje po- erally, in almost all the cultures, interpreted as a weap-
jasnih kopči ili okova s istim simbolima. No koplje je on of heavenly deities which creates and destroys at the
poistovjećeno i sa simbolom autoriteta i njegove moći, same time, marking in this way life and death. That
osobito u javnim službama,192 zbog čega je najvjerojat- man hit by such an arrow is consecrated191 and conse-
nije i osorska kopča sugerirala na status upravo takvih quently the metaphor of its fundamental meaning is
kvalifikacija njezinog nekadašnjeg vlasnika. likely to be understood for the carriers of belt buckles
or plates with the same symbols. But the spear is also
equated with the symbol of authority and it’s power, es-
pecially in the public services.192 Accordingly it is most
likely that the belt plate from Osor associated the sta-
tus of just such qualifications of its former owner.

189 Kukoč 1998, 9; Kull 1997, 329, 331-333. Kukoč 2009, sl. 343.
190 Jovanović 1985, 51-52; Kull 1997, 229; Kukoč 1998, 12, 21; usp. Kull 2002, 194-199; 188 Blečić 2007, 90.
189 Kukoč 1998, 9; Kull 1997, 329, 331-333.
Kukoč 2009, 227-228. 190 Jovanović 1985, 51-52; Kull 1997, 229; Kukoč 1998, 12, 21; cf. Kull 2002, 194-199;
191 Chevalier, Gheerbrant 2006, 580.
192 Chevalier, Gheerbrant 2006, 250. Kukoč 2009, 227-228.
191 Chevalier, Gheerbrant 2006, 580.
192 Chevalier, Gheerbrant 2006, 250.
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