Page 100 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 100
ezanost perspektive ■ a coherence of perspective 100 ličitim varijantama niti u raznim likovnim izvedbama. gle find from Bosnia176 while in larger numbers they are
Sudeći prema dostupnom, ta se forma privjeska može present in Vinica177 and in Kompolje (Fig. 37-38).178
pribrojiti karakterističnim elementima gornjojadran-
ske kulturne koiné koja se koristila u najvećoj mjeri ti- In the case of all anthropo-ornithomorphic pendants
jekom 6. i 5. st. pr. Kr. i gotovo nepromijenjeno upotre- their artistic concept was conceived and realized with
bljavala do mlađeg željeznog doba ili srednjolatenskog syncretism of a triangle, a circle and a set of antitheti-
razdoblja prema srednjoeuropskoj periodizaciji.179 Pri- cal bird proteomes. There were no deviations from this
vjesci iz Osora i Bosne, kao i oni iz nekropole Kom- iconographic model. According to the accessible, this
polja, mogu se dobro uklopiti u taj vremenski raspon form of pendant could be added to the characteristic el-
i stvaralački povezati uz eventualnu regionalnu pro- ements of the upper Adriatic cultural koiné. It was used
izvodnju koja je djelovala upravo negdje na području mostly during the 6th and 5th cent. BC and remained
japodskog ili čak viničkog zaleđa. almost unchanged in use to the Late Iron Age or the
Middle La Tène period of Central Europe.179 Pendants
Astralni simbol, predočen krugom smještenim iz- from Osor and Bosnia, as well as those from Kompol-
među dvije ptice, semantički je prastari motiv sunče- je, could be fitted in to that chronological range and
ve lađe, ali i iz univerzalne simbolike dinamične slike creatively connect with a possible regional production
svijeta, dočaravajući tako pojam i proces stalnih mi- which operated somewhere in the Japodic area or even
jena. Pojava takve likovne i simboličke interpretacije in the hinterland of Vinica.
antropomorfnog, s neposrednom idejom i porukom
religiozno-magijskog, kontinuirano se slijedi u umjet- The astral symbol, constructed from a circle located
nosti iz tradicija kasnog brončanog doba, posebno iz between two birds, is an ancient semantic motif of the
kruga kompleksa kulture žarnih polja s jedne, odnos- sun barge, but it is a part of the universal symbolic of
no egejskog i italskog kulturnog kruga s druge stra- the dynamical image of the world, evoking the concep-
ne.180 Likovna, apotropejska i magijska, baš kao pro- tion and process of constant changes. The emergence
filaktička i metafizička uloga tih privjesaka ostat će of such a visual and symbolic interpretation of the an-
tako gotovo nepromijenjena u kontinuitetu gotovo thropomorphic can be continuously traced in artistic
1000 godina. tradition from the Late Bronze Age, especially from
the circle of the Urnfield culture from one and the Ae-
179 Izgleda, zasad, da će tako najmlađi primjerci biti oni iz Vinice od kojih je jedan
nađen ovješen o fibulu srednjolatenske sheme kao i primjerak iz Sanzena (Fo- 176 Gerlach 1971, P. 22, 23. It is most likely that in its publication the place of origin
golari 1959, 272; Marzatico 2012, 97, Fig. 5). was mistakenly listed as Kuban, instead of Bosnia!

180 Kossack 1954, 52-53, 58; von Hase 1992, 249-250; Kukoč 1995, 63; Blečić Kavur 177 Mahr 1934, T. XVI, 88; Kossack 1954, 111.
2010, 115-117. 178 Drechsler-Bižić 1973, 153, sl. 7-8; Hiller 1991, 162-163, Abb. 54F; Raunig 2004, 129,

XXVI, 5; Kukoč 2009, sl. 240, 2-3.
179 It seems, for now, that the youngest specimens are from Vinica, one of which

was attached on the fibula of the middle La Tène schemes like the one from
Sanzeno (Fogolari 1959, 272; Marzatico 2012, 97, Fig. 5).
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