Page 105 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Povezanost perspektive / A coherence of perspective. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2015.
P. 105
na oprema kao moć, status ili simbol 105
Military equipment as the power, status
or symbol

P Eosve uobičajeno isticanje statusa raznim nači- ntirely common demonstration of status with
nima, kao jedno od glavnih obilježja toga raz-different means, as one of the main features of
doblja, nadmašio je samo razvoj moćne i skupo-this period, was surpassed only by the develop-

cjene vojne opreme. Najčešće se izrađivala od bronce ment of powerful and expensive military equipment.

za obrambeno i od željeza za navalno naoružanje. Kao Mostly it was made of bronze for defensive and iron

i u razdobljima koja su prethodila, predstavljala je op- for assaulting weapons. As well and in proceeding pe-

ćenito izuzetne nalaze na prostoru sjevernog Jadrana, riods, its finds were considered being exceptional in

a posebice na Kvarneru. Mali broj zasad pouzdano po- the area of the northern Adriatic, especially in Kvar-

znatih grobnih cjelina nije nam pružio ratničke ukope ner. A small number for now reliably known graves did

pune vojne panoplije (kaciga, oklop, štit, knemide, ko- not give us warrior burials with a full military panoply

plja, mač ili sjekire) kakve poznajemo iz prostrane re- (helmet, harness, shield, greaves, spears, sword or axe)

gije sjevernoitalskog, jugoistočnoalpskog ili šireg bal- as are known from the vast region of the northern Ital-

kanskog prostora. Međutim, nedvojbeno je na Osoru ic, south-eastern Alpine and the wider Balkan territo-

morala postojati određena vojna formacija, odnosno ry. However, on Osor a specific military formation or

profilirana vojna aristokracija, o čemu nešto više po- a profiled military aristocracy must have existed. We

dataka saznajemo iz građe starijih istraživanja nekro- can extract more information about the existence of

pole Kavanela. the later from the material of old excavations on the ne-

cropolis of Kavanela.

Ilirska kaciga iz rta Jablanac
Najstariji nalaz obrambene vojne opreme, doduše, ne Illyrian helmet from cape Jablanac
potječe neposredno iz Osora, nego iz creskog sjever- The oldest discovery of defensive military equipment,
nog akvatorija. Riječ je o nalazu brončane kacige izro- however, does not derive directly from Osor, but from
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