Page 86 - Nemec Rudež, Helena, ur. 2015. Soustvarjanje v turizmu. Založba Univerze na Primorskem, Koper.
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ga, Marjeta Vesel, and Jože Šturm. Priročnik za javne managerje. Ljubl-
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Ballantyne, David. »Dialogue and Its Role in the Development of Re-
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Cobley and Peter J. Schulz, 257–71. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruy-
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Baxter, Leslie A., and Dawn O. O'Braithwaite, eds. Engaging Theories in
Interpersonal Communications: Multiple Perspectives. 2nd ed. Thou-
sand Oaks-London-New Delhi: Sage Publ., 2015.
86 Beatson, Amanda, Nick Lee, and Leonard V. Coote. »Self-Service Tech-
nology and the Service Encounter.« The Services Industries Journal 27,
no. 1 (2007): 75–89.
Bélanger, Charles Étienne, and Louis Jolin. »The International organiza-
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Bertalanffy, Ludwig von. General System Theory. Brazzilier: New York,
Bijmolt, Tammo A., Peter S. H. Leeflang, Frank Block, Maik Eisenbeiss,
Bruce G. S. Hardie, Aurélie Lemmen, and Peter Aasaffert. »Anay-
tics for Customer Engagement.« Journal of Services Research 13, no. 3
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Bitner, Mary Jo, Stephen W. Brown, and Matthew L. Meuter. »Technolo-
gy Infusion in Service Encounters.« Journal of the Academy of Marke-
ting Science 28, no. 1 (2000): 138–49.
Bizjak, Boštjan, Mladen Knežević, and Sebastjan Cvetrežnik. »Attitude
Change towards Guests with Disabilities: Reflections from Tourism
Students.« Annals of Tourism Research 38, no. 3 (2011): 842–57.
Bontis, Nick. »There's a Price on Your Head: Managing Intellectual Capi-
tal Strategically.« Business Quartely 60, no. 4 (1996): 40–46.
Bontis, Nick. »Intellectual Capital: An Exploratory Study that Develops
Measures and Models.« Management Decision, 36, no. 2 (1998): 63–
ga, Marjeta Vesel, and Jože Šturm. Priročnik za javne managerje. Ljubl-
jana: Portis, 2006.
Ballantyne, David. »Dialogue and Its Role in the Development of Re-
lationship Specific Knowledge.« Journal of Business and Industrial
Marketing 19, no. 2 (2004): 114–23.
Bangerter, Adrian, and Eric Mayor. »Interactional Theories of Commu-
nication.« In Theories and Models of Communication, edited by Paul
Cobley and Peter J. Schulz, 257–71. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruy-
ter, 2013.
Baxter, Leslie A., and Dawn O. O'Braithwaite, eds. Engaging Theories in
Interpersonal Communications: Multiple Perspectives. 2nd ed. Thou-
sand Oaks-London-New Delhi: Sage Publ., 2015.
86 Beatson, Amanda, Nick Lee, and Leonard V. Coote. »Self-Service Tech-
nology and the Service Encounter.« The Services Industries Journal 27,
no. 1 (2007): 75–89.
Bélanger, Charles Étienne, and Louis Jolin. »The International organiza-
tion of Social Tourism (ISTO) Working towards a Right to Holidays
for All.« In Social Tourism: Perspectives and Potential, edited by Lynn
Minnaert, Robert Maitland, and Graham Miller, 5–17. London: Rout-
ledge, 2013.
Bertalanffy, Ludwig von. General System Theory. Brazzilier: New York,
Bijmolt, Tammo A., Peter S. H. Leeflang, Frank Block, Maik Eisenbeiss,
Bruce G. S. Hardie, Aurélie Lemmen, and Peter Aasaffert. »Anay-
tics for Customer Engagement.« Journal of Services Research 13, no. 3
(2010): 341–56.
Bitner, Mary Jo, Stephen W. Brown, and Matthew L. Meuter. »Technolo-
gy Infusion in Service Encounters.« Journal of the Academy of Marke-
ting Science 28, no. 1 (2000): 138–49.
Bizjak, Boštjan, Mladen Knežević, and Sebastjan Cvetrežnik. »Attitude
Change towards Guests with Disabilities: Reflections from Tourism
Students.« Annals of Tourism Research 38, no. 3 (2011): 842–57.
Bontis, Nick. »There's a Price on Your Head: Managing Intellectual Capi-
tal Strategically.« Business Quartely 60, no. 4 (1996): 40–46.
Bontis, Nick. »Intellectual Capital: An Exploratory Study that Develops
Measures and Models.« Management Decision, 36, no. 2 (1998): 63–