Page 47 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 47
Review of Theoretical Starting Points for Project

dangerous for humans, flies, rats and birds can transfer various diseases.
Dirt reduces the value of food and also creates conditions for the develop-
ment of micro-organisms and insects. The following precautions can be
taken to avoid the latter: clean pantries, basements and cupboards where
food or cooked dishes are stored (Stražiščar, Baler, and Gričar, 2012).


Figure 5: Conditions for the growth of bacteria.
Source: Stražiščar, Baler, and Gričar 2012.

In 2001 the Slovenia food industry established a new standard that
controls the aforementioned threats. Standard development in the Unit-
ed States (US) of America are called Hazard Analysis Critical Control
Points (HACCP). HACCP is a tool designed for the executives of food
industries, it provides a structured approach to controlling and providing
healthy foods. Traditionally this is provided by stringent inspections and
classic health control procedures. This monitoring is not only conducted
regarding the finished product, but on each individual phase of the process
from purchase to sale. Despite this, the need for testing the final products
still remain, mainly for verification and validation of the effectiveness of
the HACCP system (Repanšek 2014).

Repanšek (2014) states that the HACCP system focuses on risk anal-
ysis and critical control points (CCP) and should be part of manager’s de-
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