Page 55 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 55
Sandwich Management 55

– public access to selected documents in Google Drive;
– in depth descriptions of the project in our brochure;
– translation of the project into English and as an e-publication.

SWOT analysis and questioner
Project members conducted a SWOT analysis commonly used in the pre-
liminary stage of a project. The acronym ‘SWOT’ stands for »Strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats«. ‘Strengths’ and ‘weaknesses’ refer
to the analysis of the company’s internal environment. Alternatively, ‘op-
portunities’ and ‘threats’ present influences to a company’s external envi-

The SWOT analysis was conducted with help from all the students at
one of our first working meetings. As a result of the large number of ideas
that were generated throughout the meeting, we gained new perspectives
concerning the manner in which the project could be executed. Once we
had compiled a large collection of ideas and opinions, further solutions for
our weaknesses and threats became apparent. For a successful workshop it
was crucial that all members were present, that everyone had a chance to
express opinions on how the project should proceed. As part of this ho-
listic brainstorming, it was essential that each contributor was appreciat-
ed equally and that we generated a supportive environment where innova-
tions could occur.

We used a technique called »brainstorming« (Pompe 2011), where we
discussed our strengths, opportunities as well threats and weaknesses for
Sandwich Management if SME introduce the concept. Following this, we
then tried to find solutions for what issues we found (Table 3).

Our main advantage with the project was the size of our company.
A small company allowed us to be more flexible with business, especially
when it comes to adapting to customer and market needs. Another advan-
tage to having a small company was our quick reaction time for customer
needs, quality of food and delivery options at lunchtime. One of our com-
petitive advantages was the option for product customization when mak-
ing a sandwich with customer selected ingredients.

An example of possible weakness is the price of the final product. This
latter point is the consequence of using high quality ingredients rather
than competitive ones (Crosby 1979). We stated previously that delivery is
a possible advantage; but it could also be a disadvantage due to the disperse
population of Novo Mesto, creating additional unexpected costs. Our last
identified weakness is an inadequate knowledge of the food and processing
industry essential for the project.
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