Page 54 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 54
Sandwich Management

One of the students’ tasks included: preparation of the HACCP plan (in-
cluding all the necessary forms) and making a brochure for the agricultur-
al fair Agra. One of the students worked on the financial area, while anoth-
er one worked on programing the web application and our web site. The
student designed the conceptual scheme of the project Sandwich Manage-
ment and was the conceptual leader for the project. He also prepared the
indicative work plan with help from our academic mentor. The latter was lat-
er supplemented with data regarding task assignments on the project.

We used a closed Facebook (FB) group as an innovative help tool for
communication amongst team members when making the brochure. To
showcase the communication (European Commission 2012) in our group,
we are presenting breakdowns of the project on subchapters of interdisclip-
inarity and multidisciplinarity.
54 We identified communication channels for reporting and communi-
cating about the tasks related to the project. We assessed the progress made
on the tasks we were assigned on a weekly basis. Moreover, we agreed to
publish our work on the Cloud storage based solution, Google Drive. The
latter is convenient as it enables the modification of documents that are
used regularly. We all had full access to a Google Drive PKP Sandwich
group and its files (European Commission 2012). Mentors were monitor-
ing the students’ progress on the project through the use of internal Goog-
le Drive files. An additional advantage of having mentors was the broad
knowledge of inter/multidiscipline areas that they offer. During the pro-
ject, we paid specific attention to how we could communicate more with
the public, as well as with potential stakeholders also emphasized by the
European commission (European Commission 2012). We identified the
following points for circulating the information to interested recipients:
– public FB group;
– the project’s online store;
– round table;
– European researcher’s night at the last Friday in September each

– the presentation of the project at 52. Agricultural fair AGRA in

Gornja Radgona;
– the publication of articles in municipal newspapers Suhokranjske

Novice and Naši Koraki;
– the publication of the project on portal;
– the publication of the project on the faculty’s website;
– the publication of the project in the regional newspaper Dolenjski

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