Page 147 - Lazar, Irena, Aleksander Panjek in Jonatan Vinkler. Ur. 2020. Mikro in makro. Pristopi in prispevki k humanističnim vedam ob dvajsetletnici UP Fakultete za humanistične študije, 1. knjiga. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 147
tehnike okr aševanja in motivi na sr ednje- in novoveški namizni gr avir ani ker amiki
Tomadin, V. 1991. »Brevi considerazioni su un elemento decorativo presen-
te sulle ceramiche graffite del 400 friuliano: la losanga.« Forum Iulii 15:
Tomadin, V. 1994. Indagine archeologica nell’ala Nievo del Castello di Colloredo
di Montalbano. Videm: Fondazione Ippolito Nievo.
Tomadin, V. 2004. Le ceramiche medievali e rinascimentali del Museo civico
di Gradisca d’Isonzo, Collana di studi Storici e Artistici del Museo della
Città. Gradisca d’Isonzo: Museo Civico.
Zglav-Martinac, H. 2004. Ulomak do ulomka: prilog proučavanju keramike
XIII.–XVIII. stoljeća iz Dioklecijanove palače u Splitu. Split: Muzej gra-
da Splita.
Decoration techniques and motifs on medieval and post medieval
sgraffito tableware from Koper and Izola
The paper presents an overview of decoration techniques and motifs on
pottery, focusing on glazed tableware. The review of the material is based
on a typological chronological analysis of medieval and post-medieval
finds of glazed pottery from selected sites. The pottery in question was used
in the cities of north-western Istria for a relatively wide period from the 13th
to the 18th century.
The main goal of the paper is to gain an overview of medieval and
post-medieval pottery from the urban context, based on a sample obtained
by protective excavations at selected locations in the old town centres of
Koper and Izola. The material from Koper was excavated during protective
research at the following locations: Velika vrata street, Tovarniška street,
Cankarjeva Street and Giordano Bruno Square; the material from Izola
comes from the research on the Manzioli house and the Manzioli Square.
The methodology is based on a comparative analysis of ceramic ma-
terial, as most of the materials are derived from mixed stratigraphic con-
texts. The analyses are based on comparisons of morphological and stylistic
characteristics of finds with published material from Istria and many east-
ern Adriatic and Italian cities.
Analyses of the techniques and motifs showed that this kind of pot-
tery was mainly the import of Venetian productive centres as well as from
the central Italy area, which was distributed through Venetian trade. At the
beginning of the new century, archaeological finds documented numerous
Tomadin, V. 1991. »Brevi considerazioni su un elemento decorativo presen-
te sulle ceramiche graffite del 400 friuliano: la losanga.« Forum Iulii 15:
Tomadin, V. 1994. Indagine archeologica nell’ala Nievo del Castello di Colloredo
di Montalbano. Videm: Fondazione Ippolito Nievo.
Tomadin, V. 2004. Le ceramiche medievali e rinascimentali del Museo civico
di Gradisca d’Isonzo, Collana di studi Storici e Artistici del Museo della
Città. Gradisca d’Isonzo: Museo Civico.
Zglav-Martinac, H. 2004. Ulomak do ulomka: prilog proučavanju keramike
XIII.–XVIII. stoljeća iz Dioklecijanove palače u Splitu. Split: Muzej gra-
da Splita.
Decoration techniques and motifs on medieval and post medieval
sgraffito tableware from Koper and Izola
The paper presents an overview of decoration techniques and motifs on
pottery, focusing on glazed tableware. The review of the material is based
on a typological chronological analysis of medieval and post-medieval
finds of glazed pottery from selected sites. The pottery in question was used
in the cities of north-western Istria for a relatively wide period from the 13th
to the 18th century.
The main goal of the paper is to gain an overview of medieval and
post-medieval pottery from the urban context, based on a sample obtained
by protective excavations at selected locations in the old town centres of
Koper and Izola. The material from Koper was excavated during protective
research at the following locations: Velika vrata street, Tovarniška street,
Cankarjeva Street and Giordano Bruno Square; the material from Izola
comes from the research on the Manzioli house and the Manzioli Square.
The methodology is based on a comparative analysis of ceramic ma-
terial, as most of the materials are derived from mixed stratigraphic con-
texts. The analyses are based on comparisons of morphological and stylistic
characteristics of finds with published material from Istria and many east-
ern Adriatic and Italian cities.
Analyses of the techniques and motifs showed that this kind of pot-
tery was mainly the import of Venetian productive centres as well as from
the central Italy area, which was distributed through Venetian trade. At the
beginning of the new century, archaeological finds documented numerous