Page 179 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 179
Results 179

Eco-innovation types
This section deals with different eco-innovation types (product, process
and organizational eco-innovation, as well as the eco-innovation con-
struct, which contains all the aforementioned dimensions). Therefore, we
present the analyses for each eco-innovation type separately. The descrip-
tive statistics will be presented, and we will also check for the normality
of distribution of various constructs, followed by exploratory factor anal-
ysis, conducted in SPSS, and finally confirmatory factor analysis for each
eco-innovation type.

This section is divided into three subsections; we reveal the findings
that pertain to product eco-innovation (Section 7.3.1), followed by pro-
cess eco-innovation (7.3.2) and organizational eco-innovation (Section
7.3.3), and we conclude with the eco-innovation construct, which covers
all three dimensions (Section 7.3.4).

Product eco-innovation
Regarding product eco-innovation, Table 44 depicts descriptive statistics
for each item related to product eco-innovation. We can see that, among
the listed types of product eco-innovations, the analyzed companies on
average implement environmentally friendly materials the most (mean
value 5.20 on a seven-point Likert scale), followed by environmentally
friendly packaging (M = 5.13) and eco-labeling (M = 2.59) the least.

Table 44: Descriptive statistics for Product eco-innovation

N Mean St. Dev. Skew St. Err. Kurt St. Err.
223 Skew Kurt

The company is using 223 5.20 1.605 -0.828 0.163 -0.042 0.324
less or non-polluting/ 223
toxic materials (i.e., using 5.13 1.685 -0.934 0.163 0.140 0.324
environmentally friendly 3.91 2.321 0.023 0.163 -1.551 0.324

The company is improv-
ing and designing en-
vironmentally friendly
packaging (e.g., using less
paper and plastic materi-
als) for existing and new

The company is recover-
ing and recycling end-of-
life products.
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