Page 123 - Vodeb, Ksenija. 2018. Turistične atrakcije. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 123
Summary 123

the marker, its numerous and multifaceted functions, because the under-
standing of its operation ensures a powerful insight in the relationships
within the visitor attraction. Recognising the elements of the system is
insufficient; their interactions, interconnections and relationships reveal
much more sophisticated, intelligible insights of the system functioning,
consequently yielding the management with a plethora of instruments for
the system upgrade, evolvement and advancement. Therefore, the model
of visitor attraction system through the travel phases illustrated and de-
scribed in the book, represents a very useful tool for efficient and sustain-
able management of visitor attractions. Even more, comprehension of vis-
itor attraction through its system structure empowers immersion into the
fabric of interactions, processes and feedback, which assist management
in decision-making process to be highly efficient in planning enabling the
sustainable competitiveness and success on the tourism market.

A historical overview of tourism attractions development provides
not only an overview but also a deepened interpretation of the milestones
in tourism, which have marked and directed its course. We place tourism
and tourist activity into the wider frame of the leisure phenomenon as a
dimension of life, establishing a precondition for it. We note the decisive
correlation between the way of life and the way of leisure, which is also
current in the present time, and which seems to be the single tangible fac-
tor in the tourism phenomenon investigation. Scientific research of lei-
sure disclose impulses for the tourist behaviour and activity, although the
tourism theory corpus is still developing due to a primary attention on
the practice of tourism instead on its fundamental questions. One-sided
investigation of such a complex and multifaceted phenomenon is detri-
mentally deficient, which reflects in fragmented theory, unrelated (some-
times contradicting) concepts, and finally in inability of operationaliza-
tion and application of some important cognitions in the practice. An
interdisciplinary approach in investigation of tourism seems to be appro-
priate, because it enables knowledge integration and complementation of
different disciplines helping to comprehend and manage such a multi-lay-
ered issue. In the book we base our research on the contextual under-
standing of the causes and effects of events that have shaped features of
visitor attractions and thus define the two main constant factors through
the history of visitor attractions, namely the meaning that is attributed to
visitor attractions by the society and the accessibility of visitor attractions
in the sense of leisure availability, means and interest.

In sorting visitor attractions we go a step further from barely an over-
view of existing current classifications due to the latest findings of signif-
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