Page 122 - Vodeb, Ksenija. 2018. Turistične atrakcije. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 122
Turistične atrakcije

tion of tourism resources. In this book, we systematically and analytical-
ly discuss the visitor attraction phenomenon, their levers, roots, anatomy
and functioning in the space and time.

The intention was to shed some light at the concept of visitor attrac-
tion through the social context and critical theory of tourism as well as
through the prism of so-called leisure class theory. These are the stand-
point parameters to comprehend the social side of consumption in re-
lation to tourism consumption phenomenon. Democratisation of trav-
el triggered the tourism development due to the accessibility (through
the new transportation options and social structure changes) but simul-
taneously it devaluated travel due to the same accessibility (social stratifi-
cation, differences in cultural and social capital, value system, education
and behaviour), corollary of which tourism was not an exclusive experi-
122 ence any more, but rather a consumer good. In this lies its paradoxical du-
ality, its blessing and curse.

Democratisation of travel has accelerated the tourism development as
we perceive it today; nevertheless, it has defraud it of sublimity, authentic-
ity and its former high aesthetic value. When travel becomes accessible to
the people it becomes the tourism – a consumption good, which one can
buy, sell, adjust and materialise for the purpose of evidence and verifica-
tion of his own social status.

These are the main reprimands of the critical theory of tourism con-
sidering its massiveness. After the four decades of sustainable tourism
concept appearance, which has enabled more holistic perception of tour-
ism phenomenon, and at the same time its gradual application in the prac-
tice, the changes of the mind-set and the functioning of society consider-
ing the concept of visitor attractions have appeared. That developmental
shift of the mind-set reinforces the awareness of responsibility in tourism,
which gradually but persistently changes the previously negative conno-
tation of tourism and it places it alongside other acknowledged phenom-
ena of the society. The modern era may be marked with social changes,
which enable even better accessibility of tourism, but consequently the
number and variety of visitor attractions arise.

Efficiency of tourism management urges on understanding the holis-
tic structure of visitor attraction where the connection between the key
elements (tourist, sight and marker) represents the establishment and en-
ables functioning of the visitor attraction. It seems that the marker rep-
resents the principal axis in this system, which provides the information
about the attraction and thereby incites the motivation for a visit or ex-
perience. In this book we deepen the discussion about the meaning of
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