Page 121 - Vodeb, Ksenija. 2018. Turistične atrakcije. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 121

Visitor attractions have been consistent through the time and they still
represent the driving force of tourism and tourism development but at
the same time, from the systemic point of view, they form a primary unit
of tourism and tourist activity. The tourists exist because of the visitor at-
tractions – they come, visit and experience the attraction; therefore it is
the main motive of a tourist visit and his activities, which is indicating
its immense economic, social and environmental influence. At this point
one has to bear in mind that contemporary tourism demand is highly
heterogeneous and challenging in its expectations requiring from the
tourism planners to be highly sophisticated, striving for progress and in-
novation, as well as for continuous process of quality enhancement of vis-
itor attractions. Furthermore, the visitor satisfaction with the quality of
visitor attraction is in direct correlation not only with the residents’ at-
titude towards the visitors and the tourism, but also with the collabora-
tion quality and synergistic effects of tourism stakeholders’ interactions.
The latter is the core task of the visitor attraction management where the
complexity of their efforts shows in constant endeavour to harmonise
and tune the different interests and visions of tourism stakeholders. Suc-
cess in tourism or the tourism competitiveness relates to the competence
of managing the visitor attractions, not only as a part of the management
formal knowledge and skills, but inevitably more and more as their subtle
ear in coordination and tuning of partial units of visitor attractions sys-
tem. That is the reason why it is urgent to be aware of the basic compo-
nents of visitor attractions, their characteristics, especially to understand
the differences between tourism resources and attractions, and valorisa-
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