Page 119 - Biloslavo, Roberto in Maja Uran Maravić, ur. 2019. Navtična industrija in trajnostni poslovni modeli: primer Slovenije. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 119

This monograph aims to present the state of the nautical industry in Slo-
venia, its good practices and possible approaches to sustainable develo-
pment. In doing so, the authors also draw on the research results of the
international iBLUE project. The whole monograph is divided into five

The introductory chapter is aimed at presenting the nautical industry
in the world and in Slovenia. Of the 28 European countries, as many as 23
have a coastal zone. Among them is Slovenia, which has the shortest co-
astal zone among those members that have access to the sea. In the intro-
ductory chapter we also explain why we have joined the iBLUE project,
which aims to train companies in the nautical business for sustainable
business with the help of an updated business model development metho-
dology (the so-called 3-PBM or 3-Pillars Business Model), which integra-
tes all three pillars sustainability. The chapter also describes how we de-
veloped this methodology. The second part of the introductory chapter
is intended to present the theoretical bases of nautical tourism, from ba-
sic definitions to impacts on the development of regions. Then we pre-
sent the offer of nautical tourism in Slovenia. Although Slovenia has only
46 km of coastline, almost all forms of nautical tourism take place in the
Obalna - kraška region. The beginning of the development of nautical to-
urism in Slovenia is considered to be the 1960s. The first marina in Slove-
nia was opened in 1974, namely Marina Portorož. The marinas in Koper
and Izola were opened more than a decade later, in 1990 and 1994. Final-
ly, we mention cruises as a form of nautical tourism that is also present in
Slovenia. It has existed in Slovenia since 2005, when the first cruise ship
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