Page 121 - Biloslavo, Roberto in Maja Uran Maravić, ur. 2019. Navtična industrija in trajnostni poslovni modeli: primer Slovenije. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 121
Summary 121

concept of sustainable development through the perspective of sustaina-
bility indicators at company and industry level. Sustainable development
is one of the major challenges of the 21st century, and its importance is
growing, which touches on every individual and every business. When
it comes to sustainable development, we cannot go beyond the fact that
in order to successfully employ sustainable development we need to take
into account all three pillars of development, namely economic, envi-
ronmental and social. Thus, it is desirable that companies, in addition to
economic effectiveness, pursue and integrate activities that will have a po-
sitive impact on the environment and the society in which we live. Howe-
ver, pursuing the idea of sustainable development as such is unfortunately
not enough. Businesses must measure their environmental and social im-
pacts in the same way as they measure their economic performance. This
is usually achieved through sustainability indicators, which are the main
tools for assessing the effectiveness of sustainable development. Over the
course of the Iblue project, we have identified the need for sustainability
indicators that are suitable for measuring sustainability in small and me-
dium-sized companies operating in the nautical industry. With the help
of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the existing literature and
testing of indicators with SMEs from the nautical industry, we have deve-
loped three lists of sustainability indicators that are specific and tailored
for different types of activities in the nautical industry.

Last chapter entitled “SVP Yachts and Seascape as an Example of
Good Practice for Sustainable Operation in the Nautical Industry” is
intended to present two good practices in the Slovenian nautical indu-
stry. SVP Yachts (formerly Seaway) manufactures hybrid vessels under
the Greenway brand, designed by Slovenian design firm J&J Design. Se-
ascape, however, is a sailboat manufacturer with the mission of offering
the experience of sports sailing on the oceans to a recreational sailor, whe-
re the sailboat is the interface between man and the basic natural ele-
ments - wind and water. During the work on the iBLUE project, these
two companies were recognized as representatives of sustainable busi-
ness. The companies presented in the case study stand out particularly in
one or more areas of sustainable development - social, economic or envi-
ronmental, while in other sustainable factors were at the nautical indu-
stry in Slovenia are at least average. The methodology based on condu-
cting in-depth interviews with companies pursuing good practices in the
field of sustainability in the nautical industry. The main findings of the
research are based on the need for innovation, persistence and sustaina-
bility in the nautical industry. Both companies (SVP Yachts and Seasca-
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