Page 340 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik IV (2008), številki 7-8, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 340
To the Slovenians, who were without their own state, the idea of nation as
developed by the German romantics was most attractive, giving as it did ‘to
nation an independent life to state.’ Accordingly, during the nineteenth century,
Slovenian nationalism was emphatically apolitical and ‘national awakeners’
concentrated their efforts on the cultural field, giving priority to men of letters
such as the first Slovenian poet, Valentin Vodnik (1758-1819), the foremost
Slovenian poet, France Prešeren (1800-48), and the creator of the Slovenian
written language, Primož Trubar (1508-85).
However, if the first ‘national monument’ dedicated to Valentin Vodnik
and erected in 1889 were instrumental in the process of cultural homogeni-
sation of the Slovenians and in the construction of boundaries between them
and others, the idea of erecting a monument to Primož Trubar caused a lasting
polemics and was instrumental in polarising the Slovenian community into
two opposing political groups: conservatives and liberals.
UDC 929 Trubar P.: 284.1”2008”
Zvone Štrubelj
Primož Trubar in the light of the year 2008
In evaluating Trubar, it should be remembered that he put the Trinity in
first place, and a further point arises from this: the desire that his compatriots
should be partakers of God the Father and Jesus Christ through the Spirit, and
from this desire the formation of the Slovene standard language, the writing of
books, the linking together of Slovenes through a common standard language,
missionary work for Croatian books in the Bible Society in Urach, plans for
evangelizing Muslims, work for the Slovene church, etc. Trubar succeeded in
raising the language of the bondsmen to the level of European languages and
his subservient people to a place among European nations. German scholars
and then Slovene scholars very early on described the importance of Trubar for
faith and literature in Slovenia. Nowadays we are approaching a new, more
appropriate and more realistic presentation of Tubar’s life and his opus in the
Württemberg region, in Germany and in Europe generally. Trubar’s dialogical
and ecumenical openness is increasingly more topical today, in Europe and
also in the world. Trubar is one of Europe’s prophetic visionaries.
UDC 284.1(497.4)”15”: 811.163.6
Marko Kerševan
Trubars „Kirche Gottes der slowenischen Sprache“ und
„Volk der slowenischen Sprache“
Trubar sah sich selbst vor allem als Geistlicher im „Dienste des Evan-
geliums“. Er war ein bewusster Anhänger der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche.
Daher ist es keinesfalls überflüssig, wenn wir bei dieser Gelegenheit über die
To the Slovenians, who were without their own state, the idea of nation as
developed by the German romantics was most attractive, giving as it did ‘to
nation an independent life to state.’ Accordingly, during the nineteenth century,
Slovenian nationalism was emphatically apolitical and ‘national awakeners’
concentrated their efforts on the cultural field, giving priority to men of letters
such as the first Slovenian poet, Valentin Vodnik (1758-1819), the foremost
Slovenian poet, France Prešeren (1800-48), and the creator of the Slovenian
written language, Primož Trubar (1508-85).
However, if the first ‘national monument’ dedicated to Valentin Vodnik
and erected in 1889 were instrumental in the process of cultural homogeni-
sation of the Slovenians and in the construction of boundaries between them
and others, the idea of erecting a monument to Primož Trubar caused a lasting
polemics and was instrumental in polarising the Slovenian community into
two opposing political groups: conservatives and liberals.
UDC 929 Trubar P.: 284.1”2008”
Zvone Štrubelj
Primož Trubar in the light of the year 2008
In evaluating Trubar, it should be remembered that he put the Trinity in
first place, and a further point arises from this: the desire that his compatriots
should be partakers of God the Father and Jesus Christ through the Spirit, and
from this desire the formation of the Slovene standard language, the writing of
books, the linking together of Slovenes through a common standard language,
missionary work for Croatian books in the Bible Society in Urach, plans for
evangelizing Muslims, work for the Slovene church, etc. Trubar succeeded in
raising the language of the bondsmen to the level of European languages and
his subservient people to a place among European nations. German scholars
and then Slovene scholars very early on described the importance of Trubar for
faith and literature in Slovenia. Nowadays we are approaching a new, more
appropriate and more realistic presentation of Tubar’s life and his opus in the
Württemberg region, in Germany and in Europe generally. Trubar’s dialogical
and ecumenical openness is increasingly more topical today, in Europe and
also in the world. Trubar is one of Europe’s prophetic visionaries.
UDC 284.1(497.4)”15”: 811.163.6
Marko Kerševan
Trubars „Kirche Gottes der slowenischen Sprache“ und
„Volk der slowenischen Sprache“
Trubar sah sich selbst vor allem als Geistlicher im „Dienste des Evan-
geliums“. Er war ein bewusster Anhänger der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche.
Daher ist es keinesfalls überflüssig, wenn wir bei dieser Gelegenheit über die