Page 337 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik IV (2008), številki 7-8, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 337

biotic diversity. The so-called “mass” languages account for only half of the
human race, while the other half speaks a multitude of “rare” languages, which
are swiftly dying out. The creators of the internet started out from romantic
notions of a general global connection between people, and simply passed over
the problem of language. When necessary they appealed to the complete
decentralization of the worldwide web, claiming that here nobody can force
anything on anybody.

The language we speak (primarily our mother tongue) is the most perfect
medium there is, so digital communication cannot manage without it either.
But as much as 90 % of languages simply do not have any scientific lexis and in
such cases science in the mother tongue is not possible. It was established that
in 1991, 72 % of web pages on the internet were in English, but this state of
affairs is changing to the advantage of other languages due to the greater efforts
by users to introduce their mother tongue (India, Québec, Catalonia). The script
is important; BMP contains as many as 65,536 signs, which should suffice for
all languages. In introducing Slovene on the internet we must pay attention to
the following points: accessibility, a good command of technology, understan-
ding of meaning, social critical awareness, innovative approach, and develop-
ment strategy. Information scientists often do not understand the importance
of cultural identity in the information society and consider it a disturbing non-
functional element.

UDC 929 Trubar P.: 002

Matjaž Mulej
Primož Trubar and the internet from the standpoint of innovation

Primož Trubar linked together the following properties: independent
thinking, overcoming opposition, establishing his thinking in an enterprising
way, skilful avoidance of obstacles, the aim of benefiting users, the vision to
create something essential and new, even fundamentally new, capable co-
operation with necessary partners, his protest against entrenched practice,
which was considered the only correct practice but was not necessarily the only
possible practice, his use of new technological and social possibilities to
establish his ideas. His introduction of books in Slovene was a long-term,
fundamental and genuine innovation showing the author’s broad horizon and
inf luence.

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