Page 336 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik IV (2008), številki 7-8, ISSN 1408-8363
P. 336
UDC 681.3:002
Primož Jakopin
Parallels with Trubar /Literacy past and present
Gutenberg’s age is retreating, the information age is on the march. And as
Trubar knew well, that only literacy can bring true progress, when all could
come to the knowledge provided by books, so it was clear thirty years ago that
there cannot be an information age without computers being accessible to
everybody. The information age will rely on knowledge and much of this is still
available only in book form; so first of all it would be necessary to see to it that
all the books from all libraries are found on the internet. Machine translation
from Slovene into the major world languages is the next challenge. Machine
speech recognition instead of typing out texts is also being introduced. Trubar
knew how to find a way of spreading among people good ideas which were
worth working for.
UDC 008 (497.4)”14/19”
Tone Partljič
The end of Gutenberg’s galaxy and the end of the cultural war
for Primož Trubar?
It is difficult to speak of the end of Gutenberg’s galaxy, but we can speak of
co-existence or of a transitional stage between “good old” books and the
internet. The so-called Slovene “cultural war”, i.e. the conf lict over Trubar’s
significance for Slovene culture and Slovenehood, has its roots in the Counter-
Reformation, where Bishop Tomaž Hren was a noticeable personality; at that
time Maribor also experienced severe measures of re-Catholicization. The
cultural war f lared up at the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Trubar’s
birth, when the writers Anton Aškerc and Ivan Cankar intervened. The division
between these two camps (“the division of spirits”) deepened after Slovene
independence in 1991, and was seen in the endeavours to rehabilitate Hren.
But at the same time there was also a more sober and objective evaluation of
Trubar (Vekoslav Grmič), while the Maribor Roman Catholic cleric Jože Rajh-
man deserves credit for his scholarly treatment of Trubar. The celebration at
Rašica (2008) with Vasko Simoniti’s speech also sounded conciliatory.
UDC 659.2:316.77:802/809
Franci Pivec
Languages on the internet
The diversity of languages, which means almost the same as the diversity of
cultures, constitutes a problem that certainly deserves the same attention as
UDC 681.3:002
Primož Jakopin
Parallels with Trubar /Literacy past and present
Gutenberg’s age is retreating, the information age is on the march. And as
Trubar knew well, that only literacy can bring true progress, when all could
come to the knowledge provided by books, so it was clear thirty years ago that
there cannot be an information age without computers being accessible to
everybody. The information age will rely on knowledge and much of this is still
available only in book form; so first of all it would be necessary to see to it that
all the books from all libraries are found on the internet. Machine translation
from Slovene into the major world languages is the next challenge. Machine
speech recognition instead of typing out texts is also being introduced. Trubar
knew how to find a way of spreading among people good ideas which were
worth working for.
UDC 008 (497.4)”14/19”
Tone Partljič
The end of Gutenberg’s galaxy and the end of the cultural war
for Primož Trubar?
It is difficult to speak of the end of Gutenberg’s galaxy, but we can speak of
co-existence or of a transitional stage between “good old” books and the
internet. The so-called Slovene “cultural war”, i.e. the conf lict over Trubar’s
significance for Slovene culture and Slovenehood, has its roots in the Counter-
Reformation, where Bishop Tomaž Hren was a noticeable personality; at that
time Maribor also experienced severe measures of re-Catholicization. The
cultural war f lared up at the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Trubar’s
birth, when the writers Anton Aškerc and Ivan Cankar intervened. The division
between these two camps (“the division of spirits”) deepened after Slovene
independence in 1991, and was seen in the endeavours to rehabilitate Hren.
But at the same time there was also a more sober and objective evaluation of
Trubar (Vekoslav Grmič), while the Maribor Roman Catholic cleric Jože Rajh-
man deserves credit for his scholarly treatment of Trubar. The celebration at
Rašica (2008) with Vasko Simoniti’s speech also sounded conciliatory.
UDC 659.2:316.77:802/809
Franci Pivec
Languages on the internet
The diversity of languages, which means almost the same as the diversity of
cultures, constitutes a problem that certainly deserves the same attention as