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Ajda Fošner | Foresight Methods for Sustainability in Higher Education
Trees / Logic Charts, Role Play/Acting, Scanning, provided by foresight methodologies. Poli-
Scenarios, Science Fictioning, Simulation Gam- cymakers can make well-informed choices
ing, Surveys, Swot, Wild Cards & Weak Signals. that support sustainable practises and ad-
Quantitative foresight methods involve the dress societal concerns by taking into acco-
use of numerical data, statistical analysis, mod- unt various situations and potential effects.
elling, and simulations to quantify future trends, - Encouraging innovation and adaptation:
patterns, and probabilities. These methods are Methods of foresight encourage innovation
particularly valuable when dealing with measur- by spotting new possibilities and technology
able and quantifiable aspects of the future. Many that can advance sustainability. They urge
quantitative methods are used in foresight, for businesses to modify their procedures, go-
providing an evidence base for futures think- ods, and services to accommodate changing
ing, or supplying forecasting tools themselves societal and environmental demands.
like Benchmarking, Bibliometrics, Indicators / - Engaging stakeholders and collaboration: A va-
Time Series Analysis, Modelling, Patent Analysis, riety of stakeholders, including specialists,
Trend Extrapolation / Impact Analysis. communities, businesses, and policyma-
Semi-quantitative foresight methods combine kers, are involved in foresight methods. This
qualitative and quantitative elements, incorpo- cooperative strategy encourages discussi-
rating both subjective insights and objective data on, information sharing, and group action
analysis. These methods bridge the gap between towards sustainability, resulting in more
purely qualitative and quantitative approaches inclusive and practical solutions.
and provide a more comprehensive understand- - Education and capacity building: The
ing of the future. The following 8 semi-quanti- employment of foresight techniques in edu-
tative methods apply mathematical principles cational contexts can encourage sustainabili-
to manipulate data derived from subjectivity, ty literacy and equip students to serve as pro-
rational judgements, probabilities, values and active changemakers. Students can learn the
viewpoints of experts, commentators or simi- critical thinking, future-focused perspecti-
lar sources: Cross-impact / Structural Analysis, ves, and problem-solving abilities essential
Delphi, Key/Critical technologies, Multi-criteria to handle sustainability concerns by incorpo-
analysis, Polling/Voting, Quantitative scenari- rating foresight concepts into courses.
os/SMIC, Roadmapping, Stakeholder Analysis /
MACTOR. Foresight Methods in Education
At the end, let us list key connections between Higher education must use foresight methods
foresight methods and sustainability:
to anticipate and get ready for emerging trends,
- Anticipating and managing future risks: Fo- problems, and opportunities. These ideas and
resight methods help identify emerging tactics give educational institutions the ability
trends, challenges, and risks that may im- to actively navigate the quickly changing higher
pact sustainability. By analysing data, con- education landscape. Here are some key points to
ducting scenario planning, and engaging consider when discussing foresight methods in
stakeholders, foresight methods enable de- higher education:
cision-makers to anticipate and proactively
address environmental, social, and econo- - Anticipating future needs: Higher education
mic risks. institutions can spot new trends and fore-
see the demands of the market, the gover-
- Strategic planning for sustainable futures: Fo- nment, and society at large by using fore-
resight methods support strategic planning sight techniques. Institutions can modify
processes aimed at achieving long-term their programmes and curricula to meet
sustainability goals. They facilitate the
exploration of alternative futures and help changing demands by studying demograp-
organizations and policymakers develop hic changes, technological improvements,
and socioeconomic changes.
strategies and policies that align with susta- - Strategic planning: A well-structured fra-
inability objectives.
mework for strategic planning in higher
- Informing Policy Development: The develo- education is offered by foresight methods.
pment of sustainable policies and regulati- Scenario planning, trend analysis, and envi-
ons is aided by the projections and insights ronmental scanning are tools that instituti-
management 18 (2023) številka 2 53