Page 74 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 7(1) (2019)
P. 74
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 7 (2019), številk a 1 74Wagnerja), je potrebno poudariti, da Plečnikova rešitevlargement of St. Christopher church, construction of
iz arhitekturnega vidika ne spominja na nobenega od the new monumental church (so-called Hall of Fame)
hereditatistarejših nacionalnih panteonov. as well as rearrangement of the rest of cemetery in the
Žal Plečnikova zamisel nikoli ni bila uresničena, ker se memorial park, unique combination of architecture,
je lastnica zemljišča, ljubljanska škofija, odločila na njem nature and tombs of important Slovenians. “Honorary
zgraditi novo stavbo semenišča (ki jo je prav tako načr- cemetery of important Slovenians” would thus become
toval Plečnik). Od prvotnega projekta je bil tako uresni- a Slovenian Pantheon and would play an important role
čen le prizidek k cerkvi sv. Krištofa, tj. župnijska cerkev in defining the historical memory as well as creating the
sv. Cirila in Metoda, ki so jo zgradili med letoma 1933 in national consciousness. Furthermore, the project can
1934. Poleg tega pa je bil v letih 1937–1938 na vzhodnem also be observed as a kind of protest against contempo-
robu nekdanjega pokopališča po Plečnikovih načrtih rary Yugoslav politics, who promote the idea of a single
urejen manjši spominski park Navje. Yugoslav nation.
Po drugi svetovni vojni je bilo celotno območje nekda- Although several national pantheons were built or de-
njega pokopališča znova preurejeno, saj se je lokalna ob- signed in Europe in 19th and early 20th century and that
last odločila na njem zgraditi mestno sejmišče (Gospo- the topic of national pantheon was popular in ear-
darsko razstavišče), ki so ga začeli graditi 1954, gradnjo ly 1900’s Vienna (especially in the school of Plečnik’s
pa je pospešila odločitev, da bo v aprilu 1958 na njem po- teacher Otto Wagner) Plečnik’s solution is unique from
tekal 7. kongres Zveze komunistov Jugoslavije. Sočasno architectural point of view and does not resemble and of
z izgradnjo Hale A (Branko Simčič, 1957–1958) je bila the older national pantheons.
podrta bežigrajska župnijska cerkev in le Plečnikov pri- Unfortunately, the project was never executed, because
zidek je bil kasneje rekonstruiran na drugi lokaciji, ne pa the owner of the territory, the Diocese of Ljubljana, de-
tudi cerkev sv. Krištofa. Tudi usoda Navja je bila kar ne- cided to build a new priest seminary building (also de-
kaj desetletij nejasna, saj so bili načrti za selitev nagrob- signed by Plečnik) in the middle of it. From the original
nikov na glavno ljubljansko pokopališče, Žale, aktualni project only the extension of St. Christopher church,
vse do leta 1980. Čeprav se je situacija precej izboljšala po i. e. the parish church of St. Cyril and Methodius, was
letu 1981, ko je bilo Navje spomeniško zaščiteno, pa spo- constructed in 1933–1934. In addition, on the eastern
minski park zaradi svoje majhnosti, pa tudi desetletij za- part of former cemetery the much smaller Navje me-
nemarjanja, ne igra vloge, ki bi jo “Častno pokopališče morial park was established according to Plečnik’s plan
zaslužnih Slovencev”. in 1937–1938.
Danes lahko le obžalujemo, da ni prišlo do uresničitve After the Second World War the whole territory of for-
Plečnikovega Slovenskega panteona, saj bi ta predsta- mer cemetery was rearranged again, because the local
vljal izjemno arhitekturno rešitev, pomembno sredstvo authorities decided to build a city fair (Ljubljana Exhibi-
za oblikovanje slovenskega zgodovinskega spomina, tion and Convention Centre). The construction started
imel pa bi tudi pomembno vzgojno-izobraževalno vlo- in 1954, but the decision to held there the 7th Congress
go in bi bil ključen za spodbujanje slovenske narodne za- of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia on April
vesti. 1958, stimulated the construction significantly. For that
reason, the exhibition hall A (Branko Simčič, 1957–1958)
Summary was built and at the same time Bežigrad parish church
was demolished. Only Plečnik’s extension, church of St.
The most important Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik Cyril and Methodius, was later reconstructed on anoth-
(1872–1957) was 1924 engaged in the urban planning of er location, while St. Christopher church was not. Also
Ljubljana’s northern district Bežigrad. In his urban plan, the destiny of Navje Memorial park remained open for
published in 1929, he also proposed the solution for the several decades, since the plans for removing the grave-
abandoned St. Christopher cemetery, which was the stones to Žale Central cemetery were current until
main cemetery of Ljubljana from 1779 until 1906 and 1980. Although the situation has much improved since
thus contained the graves of many important Sloveni- 1981, when Navje Memorial park was put under mon-
ans. In his detailed plans (1932) Plečnik proposed the en-
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