Page 58 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(1) (2023)
P. 58
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 11 (2023), številk a 1 / volume 11 (2023), number 1 58Ghost Story (Sicilijanski duhovi, 2017), v režiji Fabia Grassa-ly, as well as to save the main characters, thus generating
donie in Antonia Piazza v primerjavi z literarnim delom a catharsis for the reader. The film adaptation of the lit-
hereditatidodatno poudari fantazijski element in se povsem osre- erary work, Sicilian Ghost Story, directed by Fabio Gras-
dotoči na romantični odnos med najstnikoma. Ljube- sadonia and Antonio Piazza in 2017, enhances the fan-
zenska zgodba/pravljica (ta predstavlja fantazijski vidik) tasy dimension - which is further developed compared
se zoperstavi brutalni zgodbi o duhovih (ta se nanaša na to the literary source - even more, entirely shifting the
resnične dogodke ugrabitve in umora), kar odraža izbi- focus on the relationship between the two young pro-
ro režiserjev, da sledita poti, ki jo je začrtal že Mancasso- tagonists. The love story/fairy tale (referring to the fantasy
la. Slednja gledalcu ponuja močno čustveno izkušnjo, ki aspects) opposed to the ghost story (referring to the real
skuša pripeljati do osvoboditve. events of the kidnapping and murder), reflects the di-
rectors’ decision to follow the path already outlined by
Summary Mancassola, with the intention to offer the viewer an ex-
perience of strong emotional impact which equally suc-
This contribution focuses on the analysis of Marco ceeds in its liberating intention.
Mancassola’s short story Un cavaliere bianco published
in the collection entitled Non saremo confusi per sempre Riferimenti bibliografici
(Mancassola 2011b), and the distinctive features of his
writing. Through literary fiction the author re-writes ANSA. 2016. «Cinema: due registi siciliani
the tragic crime event involving Giuseppe Di Matteo, premiati al Sundance.» ANSA, 27
a 12-year-old boy kidnapped and murdered by the Ma- gennaio 2016. https://www.ansa.
fia in 1996. Mancassola chooses to repropose his story it/sicilia/notizie/2016/01/27/ansa-
by opting for a new perspective introduced through the cinema-due-registi-italiani-premiati-al-
invention of the female character - Silvia, whose life is sundance_140f2011-463c-4d9b-8380-
completely unsettled after the disappearance and mur- ff5bc2ac7e2c.html.
der of the schoolmate she is in love with. For about ten
years, her life will be marked by trauma, as she is haunt- Backstage: un fantasma da liberare. 2017. In
ed by visions that will lead to severe psychic distress Sicilian Ghost Story, DVD, regia di Fabio
which she will only manage to overcome after psychiat- Grassadonia e Antonio Piazza. Roma:
ric treatment. As part of the treatment, almost as a re- BiM.
flection of the purposes of Mancassola’s writing, she will
try to resolve her traumatic experience by reorganizing BlowBook. 2011. «Intervista a Marco
her thoughts through creating a comic book, where the Mancassola.» YouTube video, 9:07. 10
central character is the kidnapped boy who becomes maggio 2011.
her white knight. The writer chooses a double narrative watch?v=0hbjO4ZmaeY.
path, which interweaves, alternately but distinctly, the
real news story and the fictional one, linked to Silvia’s Boscolo, C., e S. Jossa, 2014. «Finzioni
fantasies, and conceives an original shift for rewriting a metastoriche e sguardi politici della
real event, especially if compared to other works within narrativa contemporanea.» In Scritture di
the ‘return to reality’ stream of Italian narrative, where resistenza, a cura di C. Boscolo e S. Jossa,
boundaries between fiction and non-fiction are chal- 15-67. Roma: Carocci.
lenged and often blurred. In fact, Mancassola’s intent is
not to chronicle or to give a documentary re-interpreta- Botta, F. 2018. «Intervista con gli autori di
tion of real facts, but to stray through literary invention ‹Sicilian Ghost Story›: nel mondo delle
and experimentation of the fantasy genre, where alter- fiabe per parlare di mafia.» Altritaliani,
native paths and new developments of the story become 12 giugno 2018.
possible. This new fantasy dimension transforms reality intervista-con-gli-autori-di-sicilian-ghost-
and allows to clear up confusion, at least metaphorical- story-nel-mondo-delle-fiabe-per-parlare-di-

Carnero, R. 2001a. «Nuova narrativa italiana
2000-2001.» The Italianist 21 (1): 208-246.
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