Page 100 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(2) (2017)
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archaeological deposits should be preserved at theirstudia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 2 100Cipriano, Silvia in Francesca Ferrarini. Le
best, since intensive farming hasn’t extended in this area amfore romane di Opitergium. Cornuda.
of the site. hereditati Oderzo: Lions club di Oderzo, 2001.
The trench (4 x 4 m), has been located in the foothill of
stone structure 1 at plot 1504 (Dvori above Izola). The Horvat, Jana in Alma Bavdek. Okra. Vrata
test probing has revealed that in this particular part of med Sredozemljem in Srednjo Evropo.
the site only remains of Roman period settlement have Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 17.
been preserved. Prehistoric finds have been sporadic Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, 2009.
and in the secondary position. The stratification of the
layers revealed that the first layer above geological base Marchesetti, Carlo. I castellieri preistorici di
is layer SU 14, containing seven sherds of Early Roman Trieste e della regione Giulia. Trieste:
pottery with black slip, which has been found also at Museo civico di Storia naturale, 1903.
other sites in Istria. This kind of pottery has been in use
from 4th Century BC in W Mediterranean and Italy till Plestenjak, Ana, ur. Sermin, Arheološke
the beginning of 1st Century BC. Above this layer a cou- raziskave v letu 2010. Ljubljana: Arhej
ple of rubble debris layers with similar composition, con- d.o.o, 2012.
taining Roman finds, have been detected (SU16 and SE
13), thus concluding that rubble debris layers have been Sakara Sučević, Maša. Prazgodovinska
the result of the same process of the decay. Above them keramika med Miljskim zalivom in
the stone structure 1 has been erected, covered also by porečjem Mirne. Koper: Fakulteta za
several debris layers with Roman findings. humanistične študije, Univerza na
The results of the excavation have underpinned indica- Primorskem (doktorska disertacija -
tions of previous studies that the area of Kaštelir above neobjavljeno gradivo), 2012.
Korte has been intensively used during Roman period.
Pottery with black slip and fragments of amphorae of Sakara Sučević, Maša, Preložnik, Andrej in
Lamboglia 2 type speak in favour of early Roman settle- Aleš Ogorelec. Preliminarno poročilo
ment, stratification of several layers of debris with exclu- o zaščitnih arheoloških raziskavah na
sively finds from Roman period above the stone struc- Kaštelirju nad Kortami, parc. št. 1706, k.o.
ture 1 foundation however indicate that at least some of Dvori nad Izolo 2.4.-21.4.2010. Koper:
the stone structures in the central area of Kaštelir has Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-
been erected during Roman period. raziskovalno središče, Inštitut za dediščino
Kaštelir above Korte has been considered as prehistoric Sredozemlja, 2010.
settlement of exceptional value, but it is also a place of a
very early Roman settlement, which has due to its geo- Tomaž, Alenka in Maša Sakara Sučević.
strategic location played a very important role in the Ro- Kaštelir nad Kortami – historična analiza
manization of a broader region. prostora (elaborat). Koper: Inštitut za
dediščino Sredozemlja, Znanstveno-
Literatura raziskovalno središče, Univerza na
Primorskem, 2014.
Boltin, Elica. “Arheološke najdbe na Kaštelirju
nad Kortami.“ Arheološki vestnik 9-10/3-4 Vidrih Perko, Verena. “Amfore v Sloveniji.“
(1958-59): 237-250. Annales, Ser. hist. sociol. 10, št. 2 (22)
(2000): 421-456.
Boltin, Elica. “Kaštelir nad Kortami.“ Varstvo
spomenikov 7 (1958-59): 279.
Boltin, Elica. “Kaštelir nad Kortami.“ Varstvo
spomenikov 7 (1958-59): 293.
best, since intensive farming hasn’t extended in this area amfore romane di Opitergium. Cornuda.
of the site. hereditati Oderzo: Lions club di Oderzo, 2001.
The trench (4 x 4 m), has been located in the foothill of
stone structure 1 at plot 1504 (Dvori above Izola). The Horvat, Jana in Alma Bavdek. Okra. Vrata
test probing has revealed that in this particular part of med Sredozemljem in Srednjo Evropo.
the site only remains of Roman period settlement have Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 17.
been preserved. Prehistoric finds have been sporadic Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, 2009.
and in the secondary position. The stratification of the
layers revealed that the first layer above geological base Marchesetti, Carlo. I castellieri preistorici di
is layer SU 14, containing seven sherds of Early Roman Trieste e della regione Giulia. Trieste:
pottery with black slip, which has been found also at Museo civico di Storia naturale, 1903.
other sites in Istria. This kind of pottery has been in use
from 4th Century BC in W Mediterranean and Italy till Plestenjak, Ana, ur. Sermin, Arheološke
the beginning of 1st Century BC. Above this layer a cou- raziskave v letu 2010. Ljubljana: Arhej
ple of rubble debris layers with similar composition, con- d.o.o, 2012.
taining Roman finds, have been detected (SU16 and SE
13), thus concluding that rubble debris layers have been Sakara Sučević, Maša. Prazgodovinska
the result of the same process of the decay. Above them keramika med Miljskim zalivom in
the stone structure 1 has been erected, covered also by porečjem Mirne. Koper: Fakulteta za
several debris layers with Roman findings. humanistične študije, Univerza na
The results of the excavation have underpinned indica- Primorskem (doktorska disertacija -
tions of previous studies that the area of Kaštelir above neobjavljeno gradivo), 2012.
Korte has been intensively used during Roman period.
Pottery with black slip and fragments of amphorae of Sakara Sučević, Maša, Preložnik, Andrej in
Lamboglia 2 type speak in favour of early Roman settle- Aleš Ogorelec. Preliminarno poročilo
ment, stratification of several layers of debris with exclu- o zaščitnih arheoloških raziskavah na
sively finds from Roman period above the stone struc- Kaštelirju nad Kortami, parc. št. 1706, k.o.
ture 1 foundation however indicate that at least some of Dvori nad Izolo 2.4.-21.4.2010. Koper:
the stone structures in the central area of Kaštelir has Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-
been erected during Roman period. raziskovalno središče, Inštitut za dediščino
Kaštelir above Korte has been considered as prehistoric Sredozemlja, 2010.
settlement of exceptional value, but it is also a place of a
very early Roman settlement, which has due to its geo- Tomaž, Alenka in Maša Sakara Sučević.
strategic location played a very important role in the Ro- Kaštelir nad Kortami – historična analiza
manization of a broader region. prostora (elaborat). Koper: Inštitut za
dediščino Sredozemlja, Znanstveno-
Literatura raziskovalno središče, Univerza na
Primorskem, 2014.
Boltin, Elica. “Arheološke najdbe na Kaštelirju
nad Kortami.“ Arheološki vestnik 9-10/3-4 Vidrih Perko, Verena. “Amfore v Sloveniji.“
(1958-59): 237-250. Annales, Ser. hist. sociol. 10, št. 2 (22)
(2000): 421-456.
Boltin, Elica. “Kaštelir nad Kortami.“ Varstvo
spomenikov 7 (1958-59): 279.
Boltin, Elica. “Kaštelir nad Kortami.“ Varstvo
spomenikov 7 (1958-59): 293.