Page 101 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(2) (2017)
P. 101
ia universitatisImplementation of 3D Scanning in Presentation
101and Preservation of Cultural Heritage Case Study:
Dungeons of the National Museum in Pančevo
Nenad Jončić, ArheoData
Zgradba Magistratain zapora predstavlja pomemben del kulturne dediščine mesta Pančevo. Stene ce-
lice propadajo zaradi vlage. Zaradi vlage in odpadanja ometa izgubljamo vrezana sporočila zapornikov.
Za dokumentiranje trenutne situacije so bili uporabljeni 3D skenerji. Poleg visoke natančnosti laserske-
ga skeniranja skener omogoča tudi ustvarjanje visokokakovostnih tekstur na 3D modelih. Na ta način
smo zagotovili varno predstavitev zaporniških celic obiskovalcem muzeja.
Ključne besede: laserski skener, 3D skeniranje, kulturna dediščina, predstavitev, zaščita
The Magistrate building and the dungeons in it represent a significant part of the cultural heritage of
the city of Pančevo. Dungeons walls are deteriorating due to moisture and engraved messages of the
prisoners are disappearing. 3D scanners were applied to the record current situation. In addition to the
high precision of laser scanning, this scanner also enables the creation of high-quality textures on 3D
models. In this way, we provided a safe presentation of dungeons for the visitors of the museum.
Keywords: Laser scanner, 3D scanning, Cultural heritage, Presentation, Preservation
The historic buildings are important be-
cause they are social and cultural evi- use of these buildings, through changes of its
dence of the past, which is why their re- purpose, and the ways of use, is not a rarity.
Buildings usually change their use through
use needs to be carefully thought out. In their their lifetime; this is a case with the “Magistrate”
lifetime, many historic buildings, government or building in Pančevo that this paper will discuss.
not, may lose their function. Some buildings be- The structure was built between 1833 and 1838, as
come functionally obsolete, or they are too small an administrative building. Throughout the his-
due to modern needs. For this reason, many tory, this type of buildings was built in order to
of these historical buildings have been aban- show the power of the state and to represent its
doned by the previous users, so their purpose has culture and economic wealth. The building has a
changed. Reasons why buildings become redun- dominant position in the main city square, with
dant usually represent changing of economic an emphasized main facade. The city adminis-
and industrial practices, demographic changes, tration left the building when a new building
increasing the cost of maintenance and primari- was built in 1964 and space changed its purpose
ly because they are no longer suited for the func- and became the National Museum.
tion they were being used.1 Adaptation and re-
The International Council for Monuments
1 Kağan, Günçe, and Damla Mısırlısoy. “Adaptive reuse of military es- and Locations (ICOMOS), define cultural her-
tablishments as museums: conservation vs. museography.” WIT Trans- itage as the expression of lifestyle improved by
actions on The Built Environment, (September, 2014): 126, doi: 10.2495/ the community and moved from the past to fu-
101and Preservation of Cultural Heritage Case Study:
Dungeons of the National Museum in Pančevo
Nenad Jončić, ArheoData
Zgradba Magistratain zapora predstavlja pomemben del kulturne dediščine mesta Pančevo. Stene ce-
lice propadajo zaradi vlage. Zaradi vlage in odpadanja ometa izgubljamo vrezana sporočila zapornikov.
Za dokumentiranje trenutne situacije so bili uporabljeni 3D skenerji. Poleg visoke natančnosti laserske-
ga skeniranja skener omogoča tudi ustvarjanje visokokakovostnih tekstur na 3D modelih. Na ta način
smo zagotovili varno predstavitev zaporniških celic obiskovalcem muzeja.
Ključne besede: laserski skener, 3D skeniranje, kulturna dediščina, predstavitev, zaščita
The Magistrate building and the dungeons in it represent a significant part of the cultural heritage of
the city of Pančevo. Dungeons walls are deteriorating due to moisture and engraved messages of the
prisoners are disappearing. 3D scanners were applied to the record current situation. In addition to the
high precision of laser scanning, this scanner also enables the creation of high-quality textures on 3D
models. In this way, we provided a safe presentation of dungeons for the visitors of the museum.
Keywords: Laser scanner, 3D scanning, Cultural heritage, Presentation, Preservation
The historic buildings are important be-
cause they are social and cultural evi- use of these buildings, through changes of its
dence of the past, which is why their re- purpose, and the ways of use, is not a rarity.
Buildings usually change their use through
use needs to be carefully thought out. In their their lifetime; this is a case with the “Magistrate”
lifetime, many historic buildings, government or building in Pančevo that this paper will discuss.
not, may lose their function. Some buildings be- The structure was built between 1833 and 1838, as
come functionally obsolete, or they are too small an administrative building. Throughout the his-
due to modern needs. For this reason, many tory, this type of buildings was built in order to
of these historical buildings have been aban- show the power of the state and to represent its
doned by the previous users, so their purpose has culture and economic wealth. The building has a
changed. Reasons why buildings become redun- dominant position in the main city square, with
dant usually represent changing of economic an emphasized main facade. The city adminis-
and industrial practices, demographic changes, tration left the building when a new building
increasing the cost of maintenance and primari- was built in 1964 and space changed its purpose
ly because they are no longer suited for the func- and became the National Museum.
tion they were being used.1 Adaptation and re-
The International Council for Monuments
1 Kağan, Günçe, and Damla Mısırlısoy. “Adaptive reuse of military es- and Locations (ICOMOS), define cultural her-
tablishments as museums: conservation vs. museography.” WIT Trans- itage as the expression of lifestyle improved by
actions on The Built Environment, (September, 2014): 126, doi: 10.2495/ the community and moved from the past to fu-