Page 102 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 5(2) (2017)
P. 102
e generations.2 Documentation represents the The condition
main ways of protecting, understanding and rec- During the period when the building was an ad-
ognition of the values of the cultural heritage. ministrative and judicial centre, prison cells were
To achive that goal, heritage monuments need located in the basement of the building. Over
to be well recorded. During the process of doc- the eighty years dungeons have been used, many
umenting cultural monument, it’s necessary to people were in them, usually during the trial.
capture and record all relevant data and infor- Preserved inscriptions on the cell walls testify
mation, everything needs to be saved both in about this (Figure 3). Due to inadequate mainte-
visual and written format3. The cultural heritage nance of basement, and strong moisture impact,
is worldwide endangered by a different kind of the basement area is in a bad condition. In the
threatening, such as human negligible, weather basement, conservation works have never been
changes, vandalism, terrorism, population grow- done. The space of the dungeon has never been
ing and natural disasters. Considering all men- renovated, and the original messages of the pris-
tioned, the growing requirement for document oners still stand, like their statements about in-
and conserve the heritage in the fast and precise nocence, fears, hopes, and desires, many of which
way is justified. That is why a process of 3D docu- can still be read on the walls. Graffities originate
menting, having a great potential, and represent from various periods and speaks about social
important technique on the international lev- and political changes, indicating what happened
el. Therefore, 3D data is important component in this territory over the time (Figure 3). These
for permanent records of the important cultural messages represent a very important part of the
heritage objects so that they might be saved for cultural heritage of the city, as well as the entire
future generations.4 area of South Banat. As the whole cellar is en-
studia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 2 102 dangered by moisture, there is a real danger that
this data will be lost. The wall mortar on which
hereditati these inscriptions are located is in a very bad con-
dition and the question is whether there is a way
to preserve it.
Figure 1. The building of the former Magistrate (http:// Figure 2. The building of the former Magistrate (http://
muzeju) muzeju)
2 Mohsin, M. Shanoer and Fanar M. Abed. “Evaluate 3D laser point
clouds registration for cultural heritage documentation” The Egyp-
tian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, In Press, Corrected
Proof (2017).
3 Naif Adel, Haddad. “From ground surveying to 3D laser scanner:
A review of techniques used for spatial documentation of historic
sites” Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences Vol.
23, Issue 2, (June, 2011): 109-118.
4 Fabio, Remondino and Rizzi Alessandro. “Reality-based 3D docu-
mentation of natural and cultural heritage sites-techniques, prob-
lems, and examples” Appl Geomat, Vol. 2, no. 3 (September 2010): 85.
main ways of protecting, understanding and rec- During the period when the building was an ad-
ognition of the values of the cultural heritage. ministrative and judicial centre, prison cells were
To achive that goal, heritage monuments need located in the basement of the building. Over
to be well recorded. During the process of doc- the eighty years dungeons have been used, many
umenting cultural monument, it’s necessary to people were in them, usually during the trial.
capture and record all relevant data and infor- Preserved inscriptions on the cell walls testify
mation, everything needs to be saved both in about this (Figure 3). Due to inadequate mainte-
visual and written format3. The cultural heritage nance of basement, and strong moisture impact,
is worldwide endangered by a different kind of the basement area is in a bad condition. In the
threatening, such as human negligible, weather basement, conservation works have never been
changes, vandalism, terrorism, population grow- done. The space of the dungeon has never been
ing and natural disasters. Considering all men- renovated, and the original messages of the pris-
tioned, the growing requirement for document oners still stand, like their statements about in-
and conserve the heritage in the fast and precise nocence, fears, hopes, and desires, many of which
way is justified. That is why a process of 3D docu- can still be read on the walls. Graffities originate
menting, having a great potential, and represent from various periods and speaks about social
important technique on the international lev- and political changes, indicating what happened
el. Therefore, 3D data is important component in this territory over the time (Figure 3). These
for permanent records of the important cultural messages represent a very important part of the
heritage objects so that they might be saved for cultural heritage of the city, as well as the entire
future generations.4 area of South Banat. As the whole cellar is en-
studia universitatis her editati, letnik 5 (2017), številk a 2 102 dangered by moisture, there is a real danger that
this data will be lost. The wall mortar on which
hereditati these inscriptions are located is in a very bad con-
dition and the question is whether there is a way
to preserve it.
Figure 1. The building of the former Magistrate (http:// Figure 2. The building of the former Magistrate (http://
muzeju) muzeju)
2 Mohsin, M. Shanoer and Fanar M. Abed. “Evaluate 3D laser point
clouds registration for cultural heritage documentation” The Egyp-
tian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, In Press, Corrected
Proof (2017).
3 Naif Adel, Haddad. “From ground surveying to 3D laser scanner:
A review of techniques used for spatial documentation of historic
sites” Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences Vol.
23, Issue 2, (June, 2011): 109-118.
4 Fabio, Remondino and Rizzi Alessandro. “Reality-based 3D docu-
mentation of natural and cultural heritage sites-techniques, prob-
lems, and examples” Appl Geomat, Vol. 2, no. 3 (September 2010): 85.