Page 56 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(2) (2018)
P. 56
mation, which from a didactic point of viewstudia universitatis her editati, letnik 6 (2018), številk a 2 56– Insufficient space for the comments or obser-
is not inevitable and infests unnecessarily
the space, e.g. a too long introductory nar-hereditati vations by visitors, or a small space for the
rative in worksheets intended for working answers.
with a lecturer, etc.
– Working with exhibits which are poorly
– Inappropriately chosen activities and tasks:
- too easy or too difficult; accessible to visitors, e.g. they are placed
high, are too small to be examined by more
- distracting too much attention from the visitors at once, are situated in a narrow spa-
exhibition and exhibits themselves to ea- ce where there is not enough place for eve-
sily available information in accompanying rybody, etc.
materials, legends, texts etc., or the require-
ment for recording data which are neither – Inappropriately chosen technical parame-
relevant nor substantial (typical example is
the search for date – you should always be ters of worksheets can significantly reduce
sure that such an information is of value to their functionality, whether it is a too lar-
the visitors, that the task is not there for it- ge or too small format of the worksheets, an
self, i.e. that it is, for example, a crucial date inappropriate choice of hardness and stru-
which the visitors should indeed know); cture of the paper, small or poorly legible
script, etc.
- distracting attention from the exhibition
to worksheets, that is, tasks which do not What is important
stimulate the visitors to “raise their eyes”
from the worksheets to the exhibition, e.g. – Appropriate choice of objects for working
crosswords, word searches, etc.; it is not ne-
cessary to give them completely up, only to with worksheets, which are significant with
place them more suitably in the structure of regard to the exhibition topic and at the
worksheets, e.g. to the revision and fixati- same time well accessible for observation by
on part of the worksheet or among the tasks even a large group of visitors, and their exa-
intended for individual work at home or at mination is not hindered by, for example,
school; tasks without relation to objects in- their being placed too high, or by reflecti-
stigate the effort to find the answers as qu- ons in the glass of showcases, etc.
ickly as possible, without any deeper con-
templations of the content, so that a danger – Worksheets should always attract attenti-
arises of something like a “high-speed” race
among the visitors, that is filling in the on to exhibits, support them and make them
worksheets and going through the exhibiti- accessible.
on as quickly as possible with lowest possi-
ble effort. – The amount and character of the text shou-

– Monothematic tasks: repeating similar qu- ld correspond to primary goals and type of
worksheets, the texts should be adequate to
estions and tasks focused always on the age and provide relevant information.
same type of information and knowledge,
or employment of only a single skill, most – Lucidity, simplicity or even austerity will
frequently the verbal written language, and
omitting the other skills. surely pay off.

– Clear formulation of questions and tasks in

worksheets, which should always be adequ-
ate to the target group, their age and level of

– Questions and tasks focused on relevant

and substantial information.

– Activities should rather be fewer in number,

but open and motivating the visitors to re-
flect upon the issues, to search for relation-
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