Page 58 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 8(2) (2020)
P. 58
dia universitatis hereditati, letnik 8 (2020), številka 2 58Tabela 12: Primeri glagolske rabe glagola »to reason«izsledimo 381 krat, v KP pa 215 krat. Pri tako ob-
v KK sežnem številu primerov je smiselno najprej pre-
hereditati učiti besedno skico, ki jo izluščimo iz vsakega
Solomon is renowned for his ability to reason with peo- korpusa, in šele nato pregledovati konkordančne
ple. Wise he was, but what is less.occur. This brings the ability nize, torej vlogo besede v širšem kontekstu.
to reason by hypothesis. The child‘s logic is now concerned
language could have served as a means of communication, he Platforma Sketch Engine z orodjem Bese-
reasons, its first function must dna skica izoblikuje listo kolokatorjev za vrsto
From recognition of basic similarities one might reason to a skladenjskih razmerij, v katere vstopa samostal-
sort of monotheism, by the light niška različnica reason v posameznem korpusu.
though you are angry with Philip, you might reason that, to Našteje pridevniško rabljene besede, ki različni-
restore your honour and gain favor co reason določajo, glagole, katerih predmet ali
the other deities and spirits. They reasoned that this con- osebek je, predvsem pa naniza veliko predložnih
cept of a creator came from metaph zvez oziroma večbesednih skupov.
„School teaches children,“ reasoned Kay, „that is why we
send children to school.“ What Tabeli 14 in 15 povzemata podatke take be-
We can surmise how people may have felt, reasoned or re- sedne skice za KK in KP.
acted. But this requires a thorough „School teaches children,“
reasoned Kay, „that is why we send children to school.“ What Tabela 14: Besedna skica za različnico »reason« v KK
We can surmise how people may have felt, reasoned or re-
acted. But this requires a thorough pridevnik + reason
unknown, superstitious, good, uncertain, different, theoreti-
Tabela 13: Primer glagolske rabe glagola »to reason« cal, practical, secondary, political, simple, deep, universal, fun-
v KP damental, only, basic, various, important, historical
glagol + reason
information flows. Derived from Greek logistikos (to reason suggest, relate, give, be, have, see
logically), the word is polysemic reason + glagol
At this point people are unforgiving and beyond being rea- be, have
soned with; their thoughts revolve večbesedni skupi z “reason”
For (just) this/that/the same reason
V vseh gornjih primerih je zastopan pomen, For these/two/three/several/many/a variety of reasons
ki ga dvojezični Veliki angleško-slovenski slovar For some (strange) reason
(v nadaljevanju VASS) razlaga kot: For the(simple/very good) reason that
For moral/political/practical/obscure etc. reasons
Reason² Part of the/The / principal most important reason/s for
1. vi razmišljati (about, of, on o), modrovati, re- There is /was no / a good reason for/why/ that
There are two/many reasons to/for
zonirati, umovati, razumno ali logično mis- This / That /It is (perhaps/probably) / may be the reason why/
liti; sklepati ( from iz); soditi, razsojati (on that
o); diskutirati, debatirati (with z); One of the reasons why/for
2. vt diskutirati, debatirati, razpravljati (o the/ a critique / standards/ arguments/ exercise/ power / lim-
čem), pretresati, razlagati; utemeljiti, mo- its/ virtue/ notion/ god/ age of reason
tivirati; (logično) premisliti (često up); ra-
zumno, logično izraziti ali formulirati; Tako pridevniške kot glagolske kolokacije
sklepati, priti do sklepa; z argumenti koga različnice reason se razlikujejo v vsakem od kor-
odvrniti (out od); z razlogi napeljati, prego- pusov in nanizajo drugačno pomensko mrežo
voriti koga (into k); (VASS) tipičnih zvez za vsako strokovno ubesedovanje.
Tudi besedna skica izpostavi predvsem be- Slovarska razlaga v VASS ustrezno opredeli sa-
sedne skupe. V KK so to predložni skupi: to rea- mostalniško rabo različnice za večino naših pri-
son with, to reason to, to reason that; v KP pa so: to merov:
reason with, to reason logically. Veliko pogostejša
je samostalniška raba različnice reason. V KK jo
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