Page 219 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik XV (2019), številka 30, ISSN 2590-9754
P. 219
povzetki, synopses, ZUSAMMENFASSUNGEN

Blahoslavovo prevajanje Svetega pisma poleg poznavanja sočasnih humanističnih
pristopov v prevajanju izkazuje specifično razumevanje statusa bibličnega jezika. Temu
je prevajalec pripisoval poseben slovesni in privzdignjen pomen, ki da mora biti izražen
s primerno visokim češkim jezikovnim slogom, brez izrazil, ki so po njegovem označe-
vala pogovorno češčino njegove dobe. Tovrstne nazore je Blahoslav artikuliral v Grama-
tiki (1571), pred tem pa jih je uresničil v prevodu Novega testamenta (Nový zákon, 1564,
1568). Ob bibličnem prevajanju je imel Blahoslav pred očmi predvsem sistematično in
praktično teološke razloge za izbor besedja in izrazil. Biblično besedilo v češčini je es-
tetiziral in intelektualiziral, z zavestno odločitvijo za zahtevnejšo, estetsko izbrano jezi-
kovno rabo, ki se je znatno, in s stoletji čedanje bolj, razlikovala od običajne govorjene
češčine pa je, ker je postal njegov Novi testament v redakciji temeljni kamen Kralicke
biblije (Bible kralická, 1579–1593), le-ta pa podstava baročne knjižne češčine in nato kot
»biblijščina« v 19. stoletju z Josefom Jungmannom obnovljene knjižne češčine, temelj-
no vplival na podobo češkega jezika in komuniciranja v njem vse do sodobnosti. In tako
tudi na dierezo med knjižno (spisovná čeština) in govorjeno (obecná čeština) češčino,
ki v izrazju in rabi traja do danes.

Ključne besede: češki bratje, Jan Blahoslav, krščanski humanizem, prevajanje Svete-
ga pisma

The Czech Brethren - 560 years. III: On the intellectual stage
of the Kingdom of Bohemia: Jan Blahoslav
With Jan Blahoslav (1523-1571), the Czech Brethren reached one of their intellectual
pinnacles, because the importance of his textual production for the development of the
Czech language and literature can only be compared with that of Luke of Prague (Lukáš
Pražský, 1460-1528) and John Amos Comenius (Jan Amos Komenský, 1592-1670). Addi-
tionally, due to Blahoslav, the Czech Brethren finally ceased to be intellectual “outsiders”
or mere observers in the scholarly culture and passers-by.
Blahoslav’s intellectual formation took place in Czech Brethren schools, in the Lat-
in school in Goldberg and universities in German-speaking lands (Wittenberg, Königs-
berg, Basel) as well as through contact with prominent contemporary humanists. As
a Christian humanist, he wished that faith in the Saviour and piety would harmoni-
cally accompany the best education a Christian could obtain at that time. His concept
of Christian humanism brought to the fore the learned Christian, of whom constant
conscious training of the mind and capabilities and their perfecting with learning and
knowledge is expected. Consequently, he is able to engage in an effective dialogue also
with educated “gospel critics.”
Blahoslav regarded the history of the Church in general, as well as the Czech Breth-
ren as its special part, as the history of election manifestations, as the appearance of
elected individuals throughout history, from the fall of man from the grace of God to
salvation. In addition, he believed that the Almighty always had the limbs of his Church

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