Page 222 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik XVI (2020), številka 31, ISSN 2590-9754
P. 222
ganizatorju kranjskega protestantstva in prvemu apostati, povsem mogoče pa je tudi,
da je zanj kot oskrbnik služboval Matijin sorodnik Janez Klombner. Poleg tega je Čr-
nomaljski materialno podpiral predikante Gregorja Vlahoviča, Gašperja (Kumperger-
ja), Tomaža Jagodiča in Jurija Mačka. Vlahovič je sicer pridigal v mestu Metlika, slednji
trije pa na njegovih gospostvih Hmeljnik in Novi grad pri Boštanju (Obererkenstein).

Ta izrecna in v davčnih knjigah izpričana podpora Črnomaljskega reformaciji spa-
da v čas med letoma 1564 in 1569, ko je Janez z družino že redno bival v Gornji Avstriji.
Kot se zdi, je bil zadnjič na Kranjskem maja 1564. Dve leti pozneje je bil sprejet na gos-
posko klop gornjeavstrijskih stanov ter bil imenovan za odposlanca na cesarski dvor in
protestantskega šolskega superintendenta. Janez Črnomaljski je tako podpiral kranjske
reformatorje iz precej oddaljene Gornje Avstrije, kar nakazuje meddeželne stike in po­
vezanosti, ki jih do sedaj nismo poznali ali vsaj pretirano poudarjali. V svojih zadnjih le-
tih je rodbinsko ime okitil z visokimi naslovi v Gornji Avstriji, daleč od svoje rodne do-
movine. Leta 1592 je nastopal kot deželni namestnik Gornje Avstrije, še dve leti pozne-
je pa je bil tudi deželni odbornik. Umrl je avgusta 1595. Preživelo ga je nič manj kot dva-
indvajset otrok, ki jih je imel s tremi ženami, med njimi tudi znameniti politik in prav-
nik Jurij Erazem Črnomaljski (1567–1626).

Ključne besede: reformacija, protestantizem, Kranjska, gospodje Črnomaljski,
Gornja Avstrija

Lords of Tschernembl as Supporters of Reformation in Carniola
The family of the lords of Tschernembl (Črnomelj), who used the coat of arms with
a checkered black-and-red bar on a white field, belonged to the Gorizia ministeriales
in the 14th century. With the extinction of the Istrian branch of the Counts of Gori-
zia, they became Habsburg vassals and always distinguished themselves in their service.
The family reached its peak in the 15th century during the time of Martin of Tschernem-
bl and his nephews Gašper and Jurij, sons of Peter of Tschernembl, who received for
themselves and their descendants the noble title of barons, the honorary title of hered-
itary cupbearers in Carniola and the Windic March, and imperial ensigns. It was then
that the Tschernembl family established themselves as key allies of Emperor Frederick
III in Carniola and accordingly performed important services. In addition to the origi-
nal estate, the lordship Tschernembl, in the 15th century they acquired a number of other
estates (Hopfenbach/Hmeljnik, Stettenberg/Štatenberk) and castles (Obererckenstein/
Novi grad pri Boštanju, Klingenfels/Klevevž), which they owned in the 16th century and
were thus ranked among the wealthiest noble families in Carniola. Although Jurij had
two married sons, they died without offspring, so the family continued through Janez
(III), the son of Gašper of Tschernembl.
The Reformation came to Carniola in the mid-1520s, when the head of the family
was Krištof (II), whom, despite a series of “procedures” and membership in the almost
entirely Protestant Carniolan estates since the 16th century, we cannot count among

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