Page 227 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik XVI (2020), številka 31, ISSN 2590-9754
P. 227
pogojno ljubezen do Boga. Kierkegaard je v brezpogojni veri in zvestobi evangeljskemu
etosu našel izhod iz svojih eksistencialnih muk.

Take vere v svojem okolju Kierkegaard ni našel. Zato ga je to dejstvo navedlo h kriti-
ki institucionalizacije krščanskih cerkva, ki se zadovoljujejo s pripadnostjo, torej le s for-
malno vernostjo, ki pričakuje le zadovoljevanje religioznih potreb, in tako z ustreznim
etičnim relativizmom. Kierkegaard opozarja, da je krščanstvo pot vere, ki verujočega
vodi k osebni poslušnosti Božji volji in etosu ljubezni do bližnjega. S svojim pogledom
na vero kot osebno eksistencialno odločitev in etično zavezanost je vplival na personali-
stično filozofijo (Levinas, Kocbek) in sodobno krščansko moralno teologijo (Tilich). V
tem smislu je aktualen posebno danes, v času dekristjanizacije zahodne družbe in nje-
nega etičnega realtivizma.

Ključne besede: Kierkegaard, zvestoba Bogu, krščanstvo kot eksistencialna izbira, in-
stitucionalizirana religija, osebna vera

Kierkegaard’s Examining of Christians
Kierkegaard’s fundamental task was to critically rethink what it means to be a Chris-
tian. That is why Buber called him “the examiner of Christians.” Kierkegaard based this
examining on the question of faith. The genuine Christian faith has God as the absolute
criterion of all action. The believer must also carry out God’s will at the cost of the sus-
pension of natural ethical norms (suspension of ethics). Kierkegaard explains this fact
with the example of the biblical story of Abraham’s offering of his son Isaac. Such an act
of obedience to God’s will is possible only in absolute devotion to God, which can only
be done by an individual who chooses unconditional love for God. Kierkegaard found
a way out of his existential torments in unconditional faith and fidelity to the evangel-
ical ethos.
Kierkegaard did not find such faith in his surroundings. This led him to criticizing
the institutionalization of Christian churches, which are satisfied with affiliation, that is,
only with formal faith, which expects only the satisfaction of religious needs, and thus
with appropriate ethical relativism. Kierkegaard points out that Christianity is a path
of faith that leads the believer to personal obedience to God’s will and an ethos of love
of neighbour. With his view of religion as a personal existential decision and ethical
commitment, he influenced personalism (Levinas, Kocbek) and contemporary Chris-
tian moral theology (Tillich). In this regard, he is especially relevant today, at a time of
de-Christianization of Western society and its ethical relativism.
Keywords: Kierkegaard, fidelity to God, Christianity as an existential choice,
institutionalized religion, personal faith

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